Druid Class Tree - The War Within

Hello fellow Druids,

I have not been up-to-date on the entirety of the War Within so far; however, from what I have read, I have not seen any information regarding the Druid Class tree being changed.

Druids of all specs have been vocal about how the Class tree has some major issues going in with it. I really hope Bliz is not planning on continuing forward with the class tree in its current iteration for The War Within.

Some of the major problems with the class tree at the moment are:

  • No horizontal options - Druids have the only class tree where if you start on one side of the tree, it is impossible to get to the other sides capstone. The only tree that is somewhat close to having similar verticality rigidity is Evokers. However, the Evoker class tree is much more cleverly designed. At 8 points in, Tip the Scale capstone talent becomes unlocked and starts in the middle of the tree- and guess what- grants full horizontal optioning. Shaman come in third here with horizontal choice being limited; however, again, the design structure makes it much less impactful because you don’t have as many dead talent points occurring as you do for the Druid tree to get to the opposite side. There are many ways to fix this issue for Druids. Some have advised that the top talents all be the affinities- granting multiple abilities for the spec at once, versus so many filler abilities being devoted to talents. Even doing something more simple as more line connections or move the Wild Charge unlock higher up with full pathing to every paths meat and potatoes like how Evokers Tip the Scales work.

I know that Druids are unique in this issue due to have 4 VERY different specs that don’t work that fluidly together, but I’m confident it can be iterated on.

  • Still having a 3 point node. These are not in any other spec tree (and if i’m wrong here, then that classes tree should also be fixed). Devoting 3 points to a single node is too much.

  • Realistically, more things should be baseline for Druids as a whole. Having Decurse be a talent, and a talent that is SO hard to get for the likes of Feral/Gaurdian, is really painful. Same with cyclone. It’s one thing when regarding an ability like Skull Bash kick-- giving kick to something like Resto that never had it? they want it to be taxing. But taxing Feral/Gaurdian the same price for Cyclone? that’s absurd.

Anyway, these are three big ones I think the Druid Class tree needs for the War Within. I hope some dialogue can be started so this doesn’t fly under the radar.


Shameless plug, but we’ve been discussing it at a fairly deep level in this thread: The Druid Class Tree: A Comparative Analysis of Why it Fails and What it Needs


Nah no shameless plug needed, we need a mega thread about it and if that’s where it is- that’s where we should all go! myself included!


Kakaroot’s thread is one of the most well written I’ve ever seen on these forums.