Druid Bugs WOTLK Classic

Just another annoyed druid posting mainly about the wild growth bug.
Half the reason I enjoy healing on druid is optimizing around revitalize, it makes healing fun even when you aren’t worried about actually healing.
Wild growth is the main mechanic for this, but without it working (spreading to pets, or not at all everyone knows what I’m talking about), this aspect of the rotation is completley ruined for me. How is this not a huge priority fix, a last row talent is basically useless in raids

Side note, typhoon bug is also super annoying when I switch to balance, which I’m doing a lot because I bring no utility as a healer on most fights due to the previously mentioned wild growth bug.

Thanks for making a whole healing spec feel pretty useless on launch day of raids, real great experience


Bumping now that I changed my profile to classic

BUMP!!! this drives me nutz!!!

Bumping… its still clearly broken almost a month later… show us some love blizz

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This is driving me nuts. I keep using Wild Growth on cooldown, and much of the time it uses the global cooldown, but noone, not even pets gets a wild growth Heal over time. This also kneecaps our flourish ability, nd overall is severely limiting druids healing in raids. Wild growth seems to be working fairly well in parties of 5 or less though most of the time

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I noticed this too. In a 5-man, I can pre hot (obviously if the range is right, positioning and so on) on point easily. Raid? Forget it. Wasting my CD. Noticing this MOST when people are at 100% hp, wastes the CD ENTIRELY.

It’s not a bug, this is how it always worked in original WotLK. It will go to pets, including DK grubs. It prioritizes lower health raid members when it selects who to land on but it has a very limited range so that could be your issue with people not getting it. Try to select someone in the middle of everyone else and it should hit more people.

Having Wild Growth prio players over pets when both are at 100% health is the logical order of operations. This bug is literally why resto druids are not making it into competitive runs, the one big thing they have in revitalize, does not work. And Wild Growth does 6x as much revitalizing as rejuv.

The main issue here is that it prioritizes pets over player characters. That is to say, if you have multiple melee characters AND pets attacking (so close in range to each other), the PETS will get WG over the rest of the melee when all are at full health.

It’s honestly rage inducing. I use WG on a rogue, who is stacked on top of 2 DKs and a ret pally, and the WG goes to the pets instead, even when they are at full health. This is absolutely broken code.

Will this ever be fixed?! My best heal is near useless.