Druid "buffs"

Same tbh. Ive kind of lost the fun and hype. Been playing others games as a result

Again … echo chamber. The truth is the world doesn’t revolve around you and your small circle.

Yes, it is. You made an entire thread demanding a refund. I told you to follow up on your request for said refund.

Again, you asked for a refund … me and others told you how to do it. If you had no intention of getting a refund, then enlighten me on what the purpose of your other thread was? I’m genuinely curious.

I can do this all day. I deal with attorneys for a living. You can try any number of mental gymnastics you want. :slight_smile:

The truth is the world doesn’t revolve around you and your small circle.

Sure it does. That’s what the developers publicly communicated. Each and every class would get special attention and be brought into line with the other classes. The entire game revolves around us, and whether we’re happy paying customers.

I can do this all day. I deal with attorneys for a living

Did you talk to an attorney once, and now you pretend that’s how you make your living? Because someone who deals with attorneys all day wouldn’t recommend someone to violate an agreement with the company they’re trying to get a refund from. It’s such a weird attempt at a flex.


I notice how you backed off of the trying to pretend I’m breaking ToS for providing you information on how to go about your request for a refund. :wink:

Well, you’re a minority in your bluster of mock rage through blowing up with spam threads. If you’re so unhappy, then nobody is forcing you to pay for your account.

Till then, you’ll be hard pressed for people to take you seriously.

Darn, you got me … maybe I’ll go make threads about it now to pretend I’m angry and going to demand a refund … oh wait.

A flex? Hardly. I’m more informing you as to how I actually enjoy debates like this with people who think they’re clever.

I notice how you backed off of the trying to pretend I’m breaking ToS

This is a weird projection. You first told me to contact my bank (implying I charge it back), and now you’re the one back peddling pretending you didn’t just tell me to violate ToS.

i dEaL wItH aTtoRnEyS fOr A lIvInG

Would you like for me to go pull up the other thread again and reference where the other’s called you out for your nonsense? You backed off right quick there too. :slight_smile:

I bet it took a lot of effort to type that out. I know it was likely difficult and took some effort.

Don’t forget that the changes they’ve made to address the Starsurge nerf have pushed both our DoTs out of the rotation entirely


Feral is dogwater in SoD.
Lost all motivation to play it once phase 2 rolled out. Massive disappointment in terms of runes, gear and overall treatment of the spec/class


tell that to every other caster in the game right now lol


When you’re ready to contact your bank for your $15

This you? I’m surprised you haven’t been banned yet for telling people to violate ToS on the forums.

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This :point_up_2: was me.

You followed up with this nonsense.

I responded.

Again, you asking for a refund.

You backpedaling quicklike.

Here’s you trying to deflect because you were called out.

And I feel this is sufficient in proving the point I’m making. You’re full of hot air and fluff.

As I said, I can do this all day. I’ll wait for your next nonsensical response.

Oh you got clowned on in that thread too? Amazing. Mr. works with attorneys doesn’t know where refunds comes from, tells people to violate ToS. LMAO.

Show me where I was “clowned” …? Seems to me you were laughed at consistently throughout in the mentioned thread.

You really aren’t very good at this.

WhErE wOuLD tHaT mOnEy ComE FrOm? hoW CoulD A tRilLioN DolLaR ComPanY aFfoRd tHis? cOntAct yOuR baNk aNd gEt bAnnEd

So, you have nothing to come back at me and resort to typing like that … basically, you’re admitting you’ve got nothing and I’ve won this debate. Thanks for playing.

least your “buff” isn’t just you make more water

I’m doing like 500 dps in SM at level 29 on a mage. They’ll be fine.


That’s literally the entire part you’re frothing at the mouth over - having to actively and consciously manage resources after your completely-free rotation was changed.

Oh no, you can’t yolo-spam dots while full dps spec and casting non-stop while saving all mana for wildgrowth ?

The travesty.

Keep in mind they are fixing the coefficient issue Starfire has too. Essentially when boosted by Starsurge it wasn’t doing the expected damage. That’s one of the reasons it feels weak right now.

That being said the major issue is that they moved balance druid power into a mana hungry heavy hitter spell that is lvl 34 so it’s not impressive at all. It’s like a bad lightning bolt.

They likely need to modify moonkin form.

I’m not complete doom and gloom because fights getting shorter will also help mana issues.

You can tell when people don’t play the class because they just start spouting off abilities that don’t make sense. Full DPS spec… with multiple dots & wild growth? What?

Shut up.