Druid Bots in Bastion

Bastion - The Golden Pasture. January 1st from at least 1pm-1:45pm EST. These are in pairs, one of them in bear form/healing and the other in moonkin form, farming and skinning cloudstriders. Here’s a video I took demonstrating:

This sucks man. I’ve been farming leather for a few days now trying to get rank 4 of a recipe, and people like this can totally cheese the system. Like why did I spend days out here when it’s ruined so quickly by people doing this?


I saw 8 pairs of duo guardians in same area from midnight to about 10am. 16 druids in all. Moon fire cleave skin. New method compared to rest of the weeks starfall trash farm Chickens. I’ve started collecting the “Thanks for Reporting, action was taken” I have 6 now and please to see they last in mailbox 365 days compared to usual 30 day timer

There’s been a lot lately, smaller groups than before, usually two or three, and almost always druids. There’s three ways to deal with them, report them, ignore it and go on your way, or tag the mobs so they can’t skin them and follow them for awhile.