Druid bear forms, where to get?

is there a web page somewhere with the various druid bear forms and how to get them that is just straightforward about the details?
Half the time over on wowhead its just too much cereal filler, lol

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If you mouse over them in game, it’ll tell you their source. Sometimes that’s vague, though. Or like the one somnowl form, it just has “???” as the source. That was real helpful. :expressionless:

I had to just individually look them up.


I got the light colored owl form from doing the questline from, Cenarian or whatever his name is right across from the ED story quest giver. The huge Centaur dude.

The one bear form i want comes from the World Boss in ED.


The dark grey and red owl is from this, it’s pretty easy to get:

And Handy Notes tells me what Marks are dropped from which rares when I mouse over them.


I noticed some of them arent showiing a source at all…does that mean those cant be found anymore?

I’m not sure. Let me log in and see which ones are showing that. One moment.


Thanks for that, will check it out after the bathroom stops calling LMAO!

Stinking meds! :frowning:

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Twilight Runestag has nothing, but it comes from a glyph.

Orca has nothing, but comes from a glyph.

New Dreaming Nae’dra is some sort of fishing puzzle, but says ???

The dreadbats are glyphs…

It looks like they just didn’t finish filling some of these in.

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I hear ya there. :frowning:

Here’s a decent guide I found for all of the new ones. If there are specific old ones you want, let me know and I’ll look those up!


OMG thats so easy!! So many thanks!

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Welcome! I was pretty baffled by the fact that it was so hard to find out and then so easy to get. LOL


so on the bear form…that bigger one that stands more upright…Might of the Grizzlemaw…the white one is pretty cool. Can we still get that one? Is it newer or older?

The Might of the Grizzlemaw is the Legion Mage Tower challenge appearance that’s retired.

The only ones you can get now of that model are Blight of the Grizzlemaw from new Mage Tower and Runebear from the new world boss.

Any of the Legion appearances you can see their sources if you take your artifact weapon to the class order hall.

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Used this to get most of the forms last week. Still need to get the random drop forms…

Aurostor, I have my eyes on you.


I can’t ever get the rares, because druids are camping them and refuse to tell others when they’re up.

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ah…well that sucks.
I finally figure out to just run guardian for solo content to make life easy on myself lol.
Another druid player was out fighting one of the big world boss/elites the other day and had one of those bear forms. Pretty cool. guess I missed out. lol

eh…that one doesnt look very good. That white one is the one I was hoping to get.

On a fun note, if you have a MH/OH for Balance, the Claws of Ursoc look pretty swank on the new glowy Moonkin form:


I have had times where i was typing out the info, and some mighty as heck druid basically 2 shotted them on me lol. I was like really?

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Right? Like how hard is it to call it out and wait a minute to see if anyone says, “OMW”? It’s not like you get more rewards or a better chance if you solo it. lol

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I going to see if i can get announce rare/rare announce to work right, its so much easier, and usually gets results.


Maybe it is rareshare? Got to remember what other piece need to be turned on to make it work.

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