Druid bars

As a casual player, I’m usually patient enough to wait for a release rather than check things out on the PTR. Browsing the forums today though, I found out moonkin form is now only available in balance spec, right?

Does that mean you don’t get a balance bar in the other specs?

Depending on content (or queue times), I play all four specs, and in each spec I switch forms frequently. For each spec, I’ve always put all my kitty abilities on the feral bar, all my bear abilities on guardian, heal abilities on the resto bar, and most importantly: all the boomy abilities on the balance bar.

If three of the specs don’t have a moonkin bar any more, it would ruin my whole layout (and finger memory) to not have a button to switch to boomy spells.

Maybe there is a macro way to select an alternate bar when I’m not in balance, but since we’re all waiting for the update to complete, I figured I’d ask here.

(FIWI, I don’t like to use bar-manager addons…)

Create macros that set the skill based on the target selected.

/cast [harm,nodead] moonfire; [help,nodead][@target,help] lifebloom; lifebloom

The above example casts Moonfire if the target is alive and hostile, but otherwise casts Lifebloom. Tooltips and icons all work as you expect.

I appreciate the thought, but my fingers and brain don’t work that way :slight_smile:

Having worried about it now, I’m hoping there’s a free castbar (I think there are 6, depending) that I can use with a macro to make a fake Moonkin Form button. So when I’m in Balance spec, I’ll have a real Moonkin bar, and in the other three I’ll just use the macro.

/changeactionbar [actionbar:1]2;[actionbar:2]1
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You can also use a macro to change the button depending on what form you’re in.

/cast [stance:0] Wrath
/cast [stance:1] Ironfur
/cast [stance:2] Ferocious Bite
/cast [stance:3] Starsurge

That is just an example. Stance 0 is always your “human” form. Then stance 1 would be the first form on your forms bar, etc. If you have tree form or travel form you can just add more lines with stance:4 or stance:5 etc.

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I’ve always used an add-on like Bartender.

As a Druid, I appreciate the extra bars and paging ability it has. The base UI is still clunky and not customisable enough yet.

You can set your bars anyway you like, including making your main bar change when you change forms.

/changeactionbar [actionbar:1]2;[actionbar:2]1

Yes, this will solve it. I’ll just create a Moonkin macro to fake a moonkin form for the other three specs. (Assuming there’s an extra actionbar to use for it)

Thank you.


I was wrong about thinking this would be straight forward with /changeactionbar. It’s all borked up:

/changeactionbar 1 Does what you’d think, selects action bar 1
/changeactionbar 2 Selects a hidden bar that is not visible in edit mode
/changeactionbar 3 This selects action bar 4 (!!)
/changeactionbar 4 This selects action bar 5
/changeactionbar 5 This selects action bar 3
/changeactionbar 6 This selects action bar 2

All of this is in terms of the “HUD Edit Mode”, which labels the bars when you move them around.

It doesn’t seem like /changeactionbar can switch to any of the “bonus bars” (the hidden bars you switch to for feral, guardian, moonkin, travel). The following page tries to describe things, but it looks out of date:

https wowpedia fandom com wiki Action_Bar

It says action bar 2 is really “action bar 1 page 2”. It’s a mess.

Removing Moonkin form from the other specs is really mucking with how I’ve been doing things.