Dropping rogue

It’s up to you guys but if you’ve been around long enough you know things in WoW change drastically from patch to patch. While were middling now, who knows what the future holds.

I was just watching a BC retrospective saying rogues were trash in PvE until later tiers. Rogues have historically had some rougher starts. We’re not too bad off right now.

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You forget the part were stealth doesnt work and everyone has aoe stealth breakers


It’s not about dps or performance really. The class is not designed well, and there’s no going back to the way it was.

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i couldnt have said it better myself!

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There are 12 classes in the game. If you aren’t liking rogue, there’s plenty of other classes to try. If you got on rogue because they were busted after launch that’s on you.

Just because you might not like something, doesn’t mean others don’t like it too. Every class has strengths and weaknesses.

The two other classes similar to rogue are feral druid and windwalker monk. You could give those a try. Or try something completely different.

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Classes and specs change a lot expansion to expansion. My favorite spec, Subtlety, was nerfed into the ground for most of BfA(2 years). I adapted by playing other rogue specs for that time. Even when it was viable, it’s changed a lot since the days I played it cataclysm. Subtlety in its current iteration is one of it’s best, and I’m having a lot of fun.

I think with Wow if you’re just going to play one spec, you’re going to have a rough time. There are going months or even years where it might not play how you want. I’m planning on having an alt mage if sub rogue ever crushed again.

Mhm. Once again, nothing to do with being “nerfed.” Sub has been a dead spec since Legion.


I’ve played sub rogue through cata and it’s certainly not dead. Legion DfA rogue was a blast. BfA sub rogue was boring but lost classes were pretty lackluster that expansion. Shadowlands sub feels very smooth and fun in a way it hasn’t for a long time.

We all cling to how things were in the past. Not saying your complaints aren’t legitimate, but sometimes it’s better to just move on.

You are absolutely right. Even though it saddens me, people like me are not the target demographic for World of Warcraft, and all I can do now is move on…

…or, well, backward. To another expansion, frozen in time. :grin:

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It is sad there is no going back. Personally, my gaming time has gone down drastically over the years and I very rarely play any single player games anymore or have the urge to. They don’t have that same thrill or enchantment anymore.

I just have to remind myself that my life is more fulfilling and varied than it was when I played videogames and had no responsibilities. I still feel the pull of nostalgia walking around BC zones…

Except that’s the point and has been the point for a long time, maximum effort to compete, it makes you better!