Drop rates for memories from dungeon bosses?

As I understood it the drop rate of memories from dungeons was not intended to be guaranteed but high enough to ensure people could make the legendary items they wanted given reasonable effort.

Since launch I have run Sanguine Depths on my brewmaster for the keg smash memory 23 times (1 mythic, 4 heroic, 18 normal) without having it drop, which seems excessive. And to avoid doubt yes I have unlocked the runecarver and have obtained other memories from Torghast and dungeons.

Is anyone able to confirm what the drop rate is supposed to be and whether there is any bad luck protection or other rules in play (i.e. only have a chance from the first kill each week)? Thanks.

The legendary memories only drop in Mythic. So you only had one shot this week.

I got a legendary drop on my 3rd run of a normal dungeon so it should drop on normal as well


Low chance from any dungeon. I don’t know what it is but some people with particularly bad luck are taking 40-50 tries to get one. So maybe 5-10%?

They definitely drop on normal mode as well, I got one from Tirna Scithe before I could even queue for heroics. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a higher drop rate on mythic, but they definitely aren’t mythic-only.


I feel your pain. I’m only at 12 Spires runs for Memory of Celerity. It’s annoying to say the least.

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So far I ran mist 30 times and watched other mages get but I’m still trucking. I thought they fixed alts in 9.1.5 I’m about to give up if I don’t get it tonight

You can just buy the memories from Archivist Roh-Suir in Korthia correct? If you can’t get them to drop then you can just buy Chronicle of Lost Memories for all the memories you don’t have.