<Drop Bears> | Alliance | OCEANIC ARUGAL (PVP Server)
Drop Bears is a newly formed guild for Classic, consisting of a core group of original players from 2004. We are looking for people who want to have fun and enjoy raiding and pvp in a mature and friendly environment. The majority of us are older people who have families, jobs etc so we understand you can’t be online all the time.
Our goals will be 40 man raids as well as PVP.
We are not a hardcore guild but we intend to make the most out of our raid nights and push content as much as we can. We will also be looking at doing pre made BGs for those who want to PVP.
40 man raid nights will be Weds/Sun 7.30pm - 10.30pm (approx)
Loot system = DKP. (Loot council for specific items i.e Thunderfury, Hand of Rag)
20 man raids will be optional on weekends.
if you are interested or would like to know more, jump on our discord and have a chat with one of the officers there.
You can also contact me on discord Rummy#0359 or Eds#0119 for more info.
Server names are out! We will be on Arugal PVP
Is this the same drop bears player base from Horde Vanilla / TBC?
HI Everyone,
My plans for release, Play my Dwarf Priest (Blackpill, name may change) before playing my main (Redpill).
Reason for playing my Priest, I wish to deck out our entire faction (Alliance) with Lesser Magic Wands and then Greater Magic Wands.
Reason for doing this, I wan’t us as a dominating force to fight the horde, I plan on making no profits from this but obviously there will be some
All I will need from others is some linen to craft Brown Linen Pants(I’m attempting to farm the required profession levels with my own materials so everyone else will just need to give me cloth for Brown Linen Pants that I can disenchant for my Lesser Magic Essenses/Greater Magic for the Greater Magic Wand.
Reasons for you to want to join in with us doing this (9 people on friends list signed up from in-game on Frostmourne…)
Wands in Vanilla are not like wands on Live, Vanilla wands do more damage than spells at lower levels, more damage than most classes can put out! Also they cost Zero Mana (Vanilla has huge mana problems) Also if you wish to create your own wands you will need to level tailoring / enchanting fighting others for the extra linens required which will majorly slow you down…
If this guild is going to have a social community while leveling or would like to join in on my plans tell me your thoughts!
Feel free to add me and to ask questions…
Once I’ve done giving the faction the best wands I’ll be leveling my hunter to 60 to raid then levelling my priest after that/partially at the same time.
Will update this later on.