Drogbar drogbar

My guild really really loves the trinkets purely for the sound effects. “These are drogbar rocks… THESE ARE DROGBAR STONES” We really really want a toy or something that allows us to play the game but still use the sound effects. One of our members forgets their on when they go into mythics. I personally have forgotten them on going into PVP.

It would be really nice to see this turned into a toy or something.


There is a bigger audience for this than blizz understands. Also an inside joke in my guild.

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ty :wink:

extra characters

Yes please, make them toys!

What is this?

Drogbar? A type of mob in Highmountain.

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This was a trinket that dropped in Legion?

Old items from season 2 that comes with cool sound effects.

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There’s an new engineering toy that allows you to transform into a Drogbar;

It’s table that you set down, has six different party/dessert type foods you can eat, one Drogbar Rocks will tranform you into one.