D.R.I.V.E mount

Nobody is leaving over a single zone being ground only with a new super fast gimmick ground mount. Get over yourself.
People dealt with Argus without mass leaving. They put up with pathfinder for four expansions straight without leaving. They won’t leave over a single patch that has an alternate fast travel system.

Grow up.


We had 4 expansions of restricted flight and there was never any danger.


Not really giving how fun they are making driving u are gojng to be going way faster so sounds like itll still be fun and quick

? not a single mob in the open world is “dangerous”


Did they?

If they did put up with it, then we wouldn’t have had flying on day one with DF and War Within, right?

Pretty sure that so many people complained about pathfinder that blizzard just did away with it entirely.


People complained about Pathfinder, and blizzard eventually listened by revamping flying. That doesn’t mean people left en masse. Most people left in WoD cuz the expansion was completely underbaked. The flying issue was just another issue on top of everything else and was mostly down to Blizzard openly lying about it more than anything.

So, again, get over yourself. They aren’t going to lose subs from this. Stop crying like a child over nothing.


Looking at all the negative forum posts regarding this issue after only a couple hours after the announcement, I think that you would be wrong.

I un-sub until flying is released. Have been doing that since WoD, same with everyone i know


A vocal minority will whine about it, but they won’t lose subs. I know you won’t unsub. Stop fronting. “Same with everyone I know” Lol quit lying.


I have never subbed to a patch in this game when flying wasn’t available and don’t intend to change that for 11.2


sounds to me like the ripped off the roller beetle mount in gw2

You aren’t fooling anyone buckaroo. But sure keep spouting off.

I started playing middle of TBC in 2007, bought Outland flying right when I hit 70.

Moved on to WoTLK and got cold weather flying when I hit 80 on my first toon, then got the account bound version to give to my level 78 alts.

Cata gave us flying on day one when you hit 85.

Mop gave use flying on day one when you hit 90.

I played for three days in WoD, then un-subbed until pathfinder was released.

Didn’t play legion until pathfinder was released with Tomb of Sargeras.

Didn’t play BfA actually at all.

Didn’t play shadowlands until 9.2 (flying was released in 9.1 with korthia but I had no interest in grinding a zone that had no flying). I really liked Zereth Mortis, though.

Enjoyed all of DF with dragon riding on day one.

Enjoyed 11.0 with dragon riding on day one.

If blizzard releases next season with no flying in the new zone, I will not renew my sub until it is possible to unlock flying.

Even then, I very likely won’t come back mid-season because I’ll be too far behind gear-wise and missing all those myth track vaults.

So best I can say is that I’ll come back for the next season (if flying is available day one in the new zone).


The only thing the blue PTR development notes studs that there will be weekly ring power unlocks over the first 6 weeks and flight will be enabled after the ring powers are unlocked. Is there confirmation by the devs exactly what’s needed to completely unlock the ring’s powers?

What I’ve done in the past is wait until I can power through all flight unlock requirements at once. Even back when pathfinder achieves required rep, I would wait until I knew that the rest of the requirements would all be available immediately before I started grinding. Power through the requirements and ignore everything else until I can fly using steady flight specifically. I intend to do the same in the Siren Isle.

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the place is made of mechs and wheels the place will provide some if you don’t have the mounts with wheels. To me I think it will be appropriate for only vehicle mounts in the zone hoping Devs also speed them up.

Because WoW is also a Flight Simulator…

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I hope not. They know we HATE that. And lets say they allow SR but not normal flying - so people who have personal problems and cant use SR are ONCE AGAIN locked out of flying for a while until they earn some achievement us SR dont have to do? It would be overpetty. A complete slap in the face.


What I got from the announcement about this mount, it sounded like skyriding on a ground mount with some kind of vigor system, if they do this and then expand it to all ground mounts I may finally leave this game. We don’t need more of these stupid clicky mini-games for basic transportation, what’s next, your character has a stamina bar for how long you can run?

Can’t wait for GTA 7 Undermine.

Well…then bye?
You can send the gold to Lilus on Archimonde. I’m sure I’ll put it to much better use :+1:

And there it is. I can finally mark that one on my Bingo card for reactions to today’s WoW Direct.
You folks do realize that’s one of the overused meme phrases that makes people stop taking you seriously the moment you toss it out there, right?

If it ends up being GTA: Azeroth, then I won’t be too mad. But it’ll probably be locked at the start and require another Pathfinder achievement to start flying again.