I finished the quest “No More Walkin’ Here” but the extra button doesn’t appear and when I run the quest completion command “/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(87581))” it says I’ve already done it.
I tried reloading and disabled all addons but nothing worked.
looks like I’m going to have to walk lol
Did you do the follow-up quest or skip the tutorial? The button doesn’t appear until you talk to Nanny Talullah for the first step of the quest License Not Required, or you opt to skip the tutorial which sets that quest to complete.
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I think i skip.
What do I do now?
If you were able to continue the zone campaign (meaning you completed License Not Required or used the tutorial skip), then this sounds like a UI issue possibly related to an addon and you should try a UI reset. If you weren’t able to continue the campaign, it probably means you’re still on that quest mini-series since it is required to take at least one of those two actions.
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Same Exact thing happened to me. I didn’t receive it either. with zero addons or ui elements on. I put in a ticket and was told they could see that i completed the quest and that i infact do not have the g99 Breakneck
I have the same exact issue, its not a UI issue (why would this even be an issue, the item is added to your account). You literally do not have the mount added to your account even with the quest completed.
Support confirmed it was an issue and they reported it to devs, but they basically said support reports to devs are non-priority.
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Sorry friends, I had the same issue on patch launch. I’m betting its a world quest that took my Zone ability away. Made a thread with no responses and a ticket as well. Hope this gets fixed or just turned into a mount.
I’m in the same boat. I took the tutorial option, but when i clicked the chain to drop down the game crashed. After logging back in, the quest was gone. The quests are now marked as complete, but the Breakneck is not available. I’ve disabled all addons, did all the normal resets and nothing yet. I even had my alt do the complete intro quest chain hoping to get it on that toon, but apparently the Breakneck questline is warbound complete, so it’s not even showing on alts.
And all i am getting from the GM is they are not allowed to help in this situation. They are 100% able to roll back the quest and put it back in your log but apparently are not allowed to.
Hopefully we get a solution to this quickly!
I had the same issue. I tried to do the tutorial for " License Not Required" but the G-99 was nowhere to be found. I abandoned and re-took the quest multiple times. I finally selected to Skip the tutorial and the quest completed, but no G-99 anywhere. There’s no follow up quest, either. I just filed a ticket to hopefully help motivate the Devs to look at this.
I am also having this problem. It happened after I did the world quest where you shoot down the copters with fireworks. I submitted a bug and was hoping when I logged in today it would be fixed.
I had the same problem yesterday. I did license not required tutorial and used the chain. Once I got to the ground there was no mount to press to enter. I ended up abandoning the quest and re-doing it with the same outcome. I skipped tutorial and still no extra action mount button. I continued on with the campaign hoping it would resolve it but still no luck. I reloaded, exited wow, swapped toons, zoned out of area and went back, disabled all addons, UI reset and nothing works. Ticket to blizz was of no help. I decided to quest on my alt to see if that fixes it and as soon as my alt arrived to the Undermine it automatically had the extra action mount button available and I even moved it to my bars. I went back onto my main character that had the problem and the mount is still missing. Yes both toons are in my warband as well. I sure hope they fix this right away. I don’t know why they wouldn’t have made it a spell or something under general or a mount under mounts.
Still can’t access the drive car
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Let us not be forgotten please!
I finally received my Breakneck today. Logged in and it just popped up.