Drinking game on patch day

Anytime someone says “I took the day off to play” or “this is my only day off” when talking about server downtime …we take a shot


They would have my sympathy if 9.2.5 was a real patch.
But 2 races getting some new transmog and cross faction raids isnt worthy of taking time off work.


They wouldn’t have mine. They should know by now any patch has potential to be extended downtime. I actually would change my schedule to work that day instead of taking it off lol


I don’t think anyone is that stupid. And I have low expectations for GD. maybe an expansion launch but…this?

I’m already drunk-- I spent maintenance day wisely :wink:


Proud of you

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If you took a day off to plan on playing on a patch day, you haven’t been much of a student of history.

Don’t even get started on the people asking for refunds lmao

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I would really like to live to see tomorrow.


Yes we take shots for “I want a refund” or “we should get free playtime for this”

Who takes off from work for patch day, or release day, or any “big day” for gaming where servers are involved. I can visualize the lines and tents wrapped around GameStop as I typed that. Who am I kidding. people are people. Yeehaw.

I waited outside GameStop to pick up wrath of the lich king on release night. I don’t recall there being server problems though when I got home… I think prepatch had all that nonsense handled

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This sounds like a terrible idea. lol

You’d think by now though people would know big patch days often come with extra downtime and maintenance.

Smart people know that you take time off work the day after a patch. :wink:

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