Dredterror Ballista unable to be built/armed

After chanelling anima to the Wanecrypt Hill conductor in Revendreth, the star map marker for the Dredterror Ballista has appeared.

According to Reddit, Wowhead & other fansites/forums, the tools and bolt required to shoot the bat from the sky and complete the daily champion thing are supposed to spawn in the village to the west of the star marker, however they are not spawning.

My friend and I thought maybe it was phased because we had not completed any side quests in the area, but we have now completed the side quests and still no tools/bolt. This rare is currently unable to be completed.


having this bug too. have 2 of the tools and the bolt, neither can be used. wingsmash has the buff showing he’s armed, but the muckborn craftsmen have no option to speak to them at all. there’s a few people waiting for something to happen but it’s been 15ish mins

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You do not need the two tools anymore. Just the bolt. Talk to Wingsmash to complete the quest. Then talk to him again to start the event and he walks over to the weapon!

That’s what we’ve been reading but he’s just standing over by a broken ballista on the edge, no ? on him or anyone else. There are yellow icons on the minimap to get the ballista bolt but you can’t use it on anything

Reloaded the game and could do the quest

The ballista turns into a broken one after the event has already completed for you for the day. Are you sure that you hadn’t already completed it? If you are just looking to kill the rare you can wait until someone else pulls him down and aid them in the fight.

I have the same problem…I have the bolt and the tools but the quest cannot be started. The craftsman nor wingsmash can be talked to. They just sit there…

For me, I had the anima conductor point at the location, then headed down there. When I arrived, I saw yellow icons on the minimap for the locations of the ballista bolt not knowing what it was for. After getting the bolt, I went down into gorge and the ballista was already broken like the event was already completed. I think its something to do with the instance that I was in. It’s possible that the rare died in the instance while I was trying to figure out what to do with the bolt.

I waited, ran around the area, went back to Orbios, and a few times back/forth to Sinfall just to confirm the anima was pointed at the location and it was always broken. The only thing that reset was logging out and back in after a short amount of time.

I have same problem as OP, turned on the anima conductor to wayncraft hill, yellow star shows up on map for ballista, but no bolts or tools spawn and Wingsmash has no quest icon. it’s as if I already did it, but I just got the conductor up and running today.

Hours later, we returned to the point, my party member found the bolt and the ballista was sitting there completed, and we were able to complete it for the day.
I feel like there’s some kind of respawn mechanic happening here, but the bat respawns WELL before the ballista tools do, or before the ballista auto-constructs itself.
Maybe it just needs to be adjusted so that when the bat pops up, everything else does too. :slight_smile:

This has been bugged or me for two days, I am able to find one set of the Dredhollow Tools and the Bolt, but I am unable to locate the second set of tools. This is after resetting the Anima conductor as well (since I am on the second day). I am not sure how I fix this.

I have gone to all of the locations listed on wowhead and looked on youtube but the tools simply are not there for me. I guess if I cannot figure it out by tomorrow I will select the other anima conductor location to see if that resets it.

The NPC Wingsmash does not talk to me either, so the theory that he will work if you just have the Bolt is not true.


I asked a few guild mates to invite me to their group to see if I could reset the instance. That worked and I could now see the second tool, I was able to turn into Wingsmash. So it seems if someone on your instance has completed the event you will need to somehow get to a new instance where it has not completed.

Still bugged. Can’t find the bolt anywhere.

This is bugged for me also. Ballista broken with no way to fix it. Reloading and getting invited to a group also did not work. None of the NPCs have any dialogue options.

yep. i’ve only been able to do this once this week. now everytime i go there it is just a broken ballista.

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Also bugged out for me. I did manage to find the ballista bolt the other day and complete the quest, but no idea why it wont spawn now. Is there a delay between selecting the conductors location and the spawn of the items? Maybe you need to leave the zone and re-zone? I have no idea what triggered the spawn the other day, but I know it was several hours after using the conductor that I eventually was able to see and loot the bolt. Please fix blizzzzzz I want to get my bat mount! :smiley:

Can confirm, have seen this bug TWICE in two days. Having to swap shards to find a working one is very tedious.

Bumping. Broken 24 hours for me now. Day 2 that I cannot do it. Appears to be finished but I just channeled it today. Worked 2 days ago, not yesterday, not today.

Broken over here as well, he is standing in the wrong spot and no quests to be seen…

Encountered this Bug just now. Seems that the Bat spawns over 40 yards out too so cant be tagged by a ranged class.

However, if you own a Goblin Glider and a Taunt, scoot up the cliff a bit, mount up and run off the highest edge and jump on the Glider, get within Taunt range of the Bat, glide to safety with Bat in tow.

Did it with my 1st attempt but had to Heroic Leap onto the ledge as i went a tad too far out (honestly didnt expect it to work, but it did)