Dreamsurge Vendor Gone- FIX!

Runetotem and Celestine do not have vendor shops on them for Dreamsurge anymore. Is this a bug? We can still do the quest and get the tokens. The tokens even say the vendors exist, but when you talk to the people…nothing.

Please fix this blizz!


He’s not the only one as the Timerift vendors are not working as well preventing people from getting the various cosmetic items from the Timerifts.


Its possible – we’ll need to hear from CMs – that the vendors are not working because their respective raid isn’t Awakened this week. Time Rift vendors are S2/Aberrus, and Dreamsurge vendors are S3/Amirdrassil.

Notice nobody says any of the S1 vendors aren’t working.


No vendors - SAD!

Would Dreamsurge be S3? I know thematically it makes sense to tie it to Amirdrassil, but weren’t they in the game when Aberrus was still current?

You’re right they were added in 10.1.7, but thematically it’s definitely Amirdrassil.
I guess we’ll see if they come up next week – assuming this isn’t a bug and they’re supposed to be available now.

Okay I’m not the only one. The quests are there though, which makes this more weird.

That’s what I was thinking, but it’s weird the dream surge quest gives out a new version of the cocoon… so I guess you can do it this week and next week and turn in multiple items at once to get more gear.

In a way it’ll be nice to save and fill out any super low slots

You can still get Dreamsurge Coalescence though, which does make this seem like a bug, since without the vendor there’s no way to spend it.

I got a 480 item and a Dreamsurge Coalescence, but the vendors were no longer vendors. I then did a Time Rift, got a gryphon to give to a Horde character (no gear) and Contained Paracausality, but I could not turn in the Dilated Time Capsule for gear.

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You can also get Dreambound gear from drops that’s appropriate ilvl.
The token says it’s only ilvl 415, but when you use it the piece you get is ilvl 460 on the Explorer track.

That is good to know. Thank you. I actually vendored the token I got because it said 415 lol.

We had season 1 vendors?

I’m curious to see if Zaskarn gets moved back out of Vald to the Dream when Amirdrassil is awakened lol. What I meant by S1 vendors are the NPCs in the original S1 locations which continue to function in their original purposes.

What NPCs? I don’t remember doing anything season 1 that required me to go to a vendor. This is why I’m asking. Hunts, Soup and Siege didn’t have vendors that I’m aware of?

Also: this seems like crap design if world content rotates and we’re locked out of it.

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