Dreamsurge now has the option to get 15 Whelping Crests weekly

It appears the note was wrong (not the first time that’s happened) and you can only get Whelping Crests from the vendor. I’d trust what happens in the game over the notes.

However, Whelping crests, which you get from literally doing anything, seems redundant? Give Drake’s crests at least to allow casual players to upgrade their Veteran gear all the way.


LFR vault tokens give drakes and wyrms crests

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There actually is. Once you have upgraded your gear beyond the need for whelping crests, you unlock the ability to exchange them for the Drakes. Then when you no longer need those, you can exchange them for Wyrm.

The conversion isn’t great, like 16:1 but it is better than nothing. And when you combine that with being able to buy drake/wyrm crests with the currency from the vault it really isn’t that hard for even casual players.


Where is this? I vaguely remember reading about this before, but forgot where the npc for this is.

Trading-Up Crests in Patch 10.2 - Requirements and Costs - Wowhead News

Thanks. Figures it’d be in the new zone.

True that you can get Drake/Wyrm from vault tokens, but that just makes getting Whelping Crests from Dreamsurge more redundant?

its last patch content does it matter

by that logic, does anything you do this patch matter

you need whelps to upgrade to drakes on the gear. and lots of them

You can trade them in for the next tier when you no longer need them for upgrading gear…

Yes. Players that do world content can easily reach the cap, rendering the cache useless.

Yes. The whole point of having an upgrade system is to actually upgrade your gear over time from doing the same content.

When casual players either have the Crests but no gear to upgrade, or the gear but no Crests to upgrade with, the system has failed.

Any confirmation that this is indeed a error in the notes? If it is, can we get the notes fixed? If not, can we get this properly fixed? I realize I’m a bit late here, but I must have missed that part of the notes. I just happened to catch a brief mention of it in Bellular’s 12/18 video.

This is still only offering the Whelpling’s Bountiful Chest as of the 12/19 reset.

That is why they added the scaling “Dream of Crests” achievement. This allows you to exchange crests you no longer need for the next tier up. So if a causal player no longer needs Whelping for upgrading your gear, you can exchange them for a bundle of Wyrm crest so you can continue to upgrade. When you no longer have a use for Wyrm, then you can exchange them for the next tier.

The system works, people are just don’t understand how it works.

Isn’t there a heavy “tax” on the conversion? Like 90 for 15 upgrades of something?

If so, the system won’t get you much of anywhere when you are on the low end of things.

No, the system is intended so if you do the bare minimum each week you will still be able to upgrade over time. Hell you can do LFR and get more than enough crests a week to upgrade most casual player gear.

Whole system sounds needlessly complicated.

Last boss of the tier below should drop 1 for the tier above. Gives people a real reason to grind.

I thought there was a conversion tax… if so, you are only going to net one extra maxed upgrade every 4 weeks (due to the cap of 90 that will still exist).

And that is the best case scenario… if you already get a reasonably steady source of the upgraded currency, the conversion bonus could take months to max out a single pc of gear.

There is, it is 90 of a lower tier for 15 of the next tier up. And it is 1 upgrade every four weeks if you do nothing but open work content. Not to mention you get drakes from some of the events in the new zone or that you can exchange vault tokens for a bundle of drake or wrym crests each week.

They system is not there to help players farm world quests to get to top tier gear, it is there so you have a way of converting no longer needed crests into something you can use.

Getting the upgrade currency (from any other source but the conversion) actually makes the conversion yield even worse results… as it potentially spreads the conversion currency out, possibly taking months to get even a single maxed upgrade (as a result of conversion).