I’m in AZ and when I have played on Eastern realms I never noticed any difference. I have no data other than I never noticed anything
What up gang
Unlikely. You wont notice a difference except server time will be several hours off from your time. It mostly affects people not in the U.S.
I use the Titan Panel addon. It has a clock on it. I set my mini map to my time and titan panel to realm time.
Agreed, maybe you all should just do PvP server so you dont have to worry.
I would… but am scared. I played a rogue back in the golden olden days, I know exactly the kind of terror that awaits a flagged low level clothie just minding their own biz lol
Well we’re Dreamscythers now woohoo!!
Hey! I’ll be there roaming the valley of Mulgore tomorrow. Enjoy the journey.
Looks like we went from Moldar’s Moxie to Dreamscythe. Blizz just announce the name change.
Dreamscythe is better, yes
Looks like the changed the realm names. I tried searching where you quoted that realm name from, couldn’t find it anywhere.
It has been changed, it’s now Dreamscythe.
Yes yes thats what my post always said! cough
Dreamscyckle it is!
We’re just the #dreamers
Doubt X
10 char
At that time no one had responded.
If no RP realm comes online then I suppose I’ll be joining you there.
One of us! One of us!
Oh fine, pass me the wine.
Would’ve been more fun if they were tbc named, at least if tbc era was the end goal.
Shadow Labyrinth (Pvp)
Underbog (Oce)
Blood Furnace (RPpvp)
Pandemonius (pve)