Was looking at the blue post and having a new version of classic with some nice QoL like an easier way to find groups might just tempt me to roll a healer again. I gave up on it in retail for a plethora of reasons.
About the dumbest name possible, a buff from one of the Dire Maul Ogre buffs.
Historically, which side is gonna be dominant, Horde or Alliance?
I’ll be rolling there! went pvp server back in 2019… alot of my friends back then are going pvp again, but i’ll be branching off to a normal server… cya on Moldar’s Moxie!
Moxie squad rise up
It typically tends to lean towards Alliance on PvE servers but I feel like we’ll have a healthy balance still, fear not.
seen some strawpolls with thousands of votes, split dead even 50/50, or 49/50 split for pve/pvp servers.
It’s the forums. The bored folks and trolls who spend time here are also likely to be the people that run around in squads camping and griefing low-levels on pvp servers.
its worth noting a lot of people will play hardcore, die, give up, and transfer to the pve server because they cant xfer to the pvp server.
I’ll be here
You are literally going mental over nothing. I do notice you appear mostly to start things, though.
Go outside.
Fresh will be so much easier to level up because people your level will exist in the hundreds
Moldar’s has been confirmed as US West woohoo! PvE squad!! So excited.
West side, best side… ha
My wife and I are excited to try the Horde Life in Classic Classic as it moves through to BC. We created Alliance toons on the first Classic but only got them to max level a month ago or so ago in Cata.
Go back to Reddit
We are starting a new guild on Moldar’s Moxie tomorrow on Alliance for any interested. See you then !
Whats the name and what kind of guild?
I’ll be there! But going Horde this time around. Unless it that side gets locked out somehow…?
Locking out only applies to PvP iirc
Oh I guess that’s make sense! I might be misremembering total server pop or something.
I’m on the east coast, we think there’ll be any issues with playing on a west coast server? Not worried about the time zone, just the ping/lag.