Dreamscythe [A] <Booty Bay Bandits> laid back "dad" Raiding guild (Tues / Thurs 8pm - 10pm est)

Booty Bay Bandits is looking for people to raid and dungeon with on a weekly basis. We are recruiting all roles and all specs are currently open as well. We want everyone to have a place to raid and have fun regardless of what spec you plan on running. We will parse but it is not a requirement. Our only ask is to show up weekly and know basic mechanics of each raid!

Raiding will start in January so no need to rush!

We will be doing MS > OS +1 with SR

Whisper Thromar or anyone in the guild for an invite!

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How many people do you currently have above 50 and active? Looking for people to Raid and do dungeons with.

we have about 15 people who are above 40. We just started the guild so its a process to build

I only just started today, so my level is terribly behind you guys. But I am interested in joining your guild to raid.
My character’s name is Beim
Discord is .beim

Sounds good I will throw you an invite if you are online

Hi there, I’m new to WOW and WOW classic, I have a lvl 46 Warlock, that hopefully will hit 60 in the next couple of weeks. I am interested in raiding. Tuesdays I’m always available, however I work every other Thursday. Don’t know if the raiding days are negotiable? I am not new to MMO’s or raiding. I parsed savage and ultimate raids in FFXIV and hard mode and nightmare in SWTOR. I work in EMS and only work two days/week, so I am free Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I alternate Wednesday and Thursday. My IGN is Erniy. My Discord is ernie77.