Dreaming Equipment Chest & Crests


I would like to start a discussion on the injustice in my opinion that has once again befallen PvE players regarding the accound-bound loot item - [Dreaming Equipment Chest] .
Why is it that once again PvE players are getting an item of a lower order than PvP players? Even the starting ilvl is higher for PvP players - because 451(?) vs 441. This is completely incomprehensible to me.
In my opinion, we should get items on HC ilvl tracking 1/6 - especially since these are random items.

The second issue I would like to raise are Crests. My main is at such a stage of development that I actually don’t need them anymore. I have a backlog of several hundred of each type. It would be nice to get rid of them just on flightstones to help gearing up alts :slight_smile:
Something like, for example.
10x Whelipng Crest → 25x Flightstones
10x Drake’s Crests → 35x Flightstones
10x Wyrm’s Crest → 45x Flightsones
10x Aspect’s Crests → 60x Flightstones

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You want hero track items for mere flightstones?

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What account-bound gear can PvPers buy on the Champion track?

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It’s alt catch up and is the same as the three weeklies from Emerald Dream. It’s Normal LFR raid gear.

I don’t remember seeing people this angry over the Loamm box.

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I think it’s equivalent to the start of LFR gear - which is around that level.

And :100: agree why are people so upset about an additional source of gear for new characters. 441 is huge when you hit 70


Ah you are right! I got a bit ahead of myself on that ilevel. I shall fix, thanks!

Honestly you’re still right in a way, can upgrade to 463 so they can be normal raid ready if they want.

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They want 467+ so they can “run dungeons with their friends” who probably don’t exist because those same friends would just carry their buddy in keys that award hero track.

I’d certainly carry my friends instead of wait for them to catch up to me. Maybe I have a different definition of friend than others.


They can do that with the current system.
New char → ER to 421/TR for guaranteed trinket/Auction if any slots remain → spam m+ with friends or host own key and let strangers carry.

[Verdant Equipment Chest] from Calderax in Valdraken

441 is nothing - within an hour you are able to get 447ilvl with the stats you need, not random items where you may get 5 wrists in a row with stats that are bad for you.

PvP players are actually getting their maximum ilvl because they don’t really have to do anything with this gear - he immediately has 489 in the pvp situation.

I don’t think PvE players should get Mythic ilvl track gear - because that would affect PvE content at the highest level, but HC tracking 1/6 late in the season is really a fair catch up gear for alt - it’s supposed to be fun, a chance to test other classes for yourself, not another 2 month tyranny for as such gear as during progess imo.

You specifically need near full set of 467 gear to test out new classes?

If I’m honest - yes. Having such a gear I can only see how a particular one performs, because it allows you to go to higher keys / HC raid. Lower levels for me are zerg on which I am not able to train well.

Another point - if I spent 2-3 months on wygear main on 489, then the other characters for level 476 if season 4 is closer than further it would be nice to gear up faster.

yes please let us use Crests to buy these BOA chests

i have 250+ collecting dust, would be awesome to gear alts

Today I thought that a certain idea for PvE would be to introduce three different tokens and make them dependent on the rating, such as.
LFR tracking ilvl - 1000 rating as it is now
NM tracking ilvl - 2500 rating
HC tracking ilvl - 3000 rating

This is some way out where those more committed players will be able to get a bigger catch up on their alt.