Dream of Cenarius nerfed?

I used to crit heal for 400k+ with regrowth before the patch now I crit for about half of that does anyone else noticed this change? Why do they keep nerfing bears I thought we were already bottom tier tanks? The berserk nerf is also questionable it is a 15 sec duration 3min cd skill that consumes 3 whole talents and it was an average cooldown at best why they nerf it? we are not remotely close to god tier tanks like warriors are why they keep nerfing us??? our talent tree is a mess already with so many dead talents and they nerf us on top of that? IDK what to think, i think im done with this expansion.


PoTP is currently not working with it due to its new spell ID. This makes it heal much less

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so we pay expansion+sub to be beta testers?

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Nothing happens on the ptr.
Not sure why they even have it.

I’d lose my job if I produced this many mistakes.


how does a nerf from 400k heal to 129k heal go un documented?

is it a bug? or are they intentionally trying to put a tank into D tier?


It is sad and crazy at the same time to see multi dollar steamers and youtubers having more insight into the game’s balance problems than the multi billion developers themselves, from my point of view they are just milking us, all the profits go to the shareholders and nothing goes back into the game’s development, why we still play Blizzard games IDK we are the fools.


I quickly did an analysis that I posted at the link below. Basically it appears that there is a new heal showing up on my logs, aptly named “Protector of the Pack”. It appears that instead of the old functionality of just directly strengthening the healing amount of the regrowth itself (as the tooltip states), the new 10.0.5 change has the healing moved into its own effect. That said, after ~5min at the target dummy, Protector of the Pack was doing roughly 1% of my overall healing. This new Protector of the Pack does not seem to be able to crit, nor does it appear to be affected by things such as vers, passive increases to healing, or the 200% healing from Dream of Cenarius. It’s just a flat ~13-15k each time we use regrowth, which mathmatically makes it, by far, the worst healing talent in our arsenal, and a complete waste of a capstone ability.

My guess is that their intent was to just split the “regrowth” healing from the “Protector of the Pack” healing, with the sum of the two equaling what regrowth alone was doing prior to 10.0.5 (hence not needing to make an announcement about it as this change would mostly just be to help people reading through their logs). However, somewhere in there they made a HUGE mistake with how they programed the new Protector of the Pack heal, not allowing it to benefit from any healing bonuses, secondary stats, or the effects of things like the healing bonus from Dream of Cenarius.


PoTP was a little too good for resto so they changed it. Feral and Guardian got collateraled by the fix.