Dream Eater questline after rune vendor implementation

With the rune vendors being implemented this week, I bought all the runes I didn’t have, including the runes that lead up to the dream eater questline. Last night the intelligence dropped in BWL, won it and started the quest. Got the key, talked to the rogue in the storage room then turned it in at Ravenholdt.

I looked up the previous quests, but they won’t let me start the quests that lead up to the dream eater quest. Since i bought the runes from the vendor, I was thinking there is some kind of programming bug that detects the room, therefore not letting you complete the quest, even though i never completed it before.

Any other rogues having this issue?

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Did you figure out a solution?

They legitimately said, in the article, that rune acquisition quests are being worked on because getting them ahead of time screws with the triggers to activate the quests and to give it time.

FACTS. You actually have to click that you acknowledge that information before you can even buy the runes from the rune broker. Not sure why OP is even confused as to why it’s not working.

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tenia ese problema en la segunda parte de la quest into the hold of shadows me salia en el mapa pero el npc no me dejaba tomarlo no se miraba busque por todos lados y no encontre soluciones para mi sorpresa . no habia echos la quest que te da el rune shadowstep alli comienza todo silver pineforest en un pueblito llamado pirewood village hay una casita hay un cofre te mandara hacer la quest te mandara scalet monasterio luego que terminas reciente llegara letter c para la otra quest rune q es en zullfarra y alli te dejara hacer la quest de la segunda parte de la daga

It’s terrible that the dream eater quest line has all these pre-requisites. Getting this item should have no relation with the fact that you completed a certain rune related questline before.

I have an alt rogue that I leveled to 60 and now I’m missing out on a 500+ dps increase bis weapon because I bought the HAT rune.

Just wanted to remedy this for you all incase you are still wondering. all you have to do is go back and complete the questline for shadowstep and then honor amongst theives. and the quest will then be available for you. Buying the rune only tampers with how you get the rune, the quest chain is still available and is all you need in order to unlock the following questline.


Yeah, you need to do the honor among thieves quest line. It starts at turning in the ravenholt first quest, then go to a major city and check your mail… then go back to ravenholdt and do the entire quest line

OK, update everyone, and IMPORTANT for those new rogues that buy runes.

you can still do the rune quests that are pre-recs for the Dream Eater Dagger the quest that starts in BWL from the intelligence documents.
the problem arises when you get to the part of the Dream eater chain where you need a quest from Fahrad in Ravenholdt.

If you do not do the “ravenholt manor” quest from the rogue trainers in Org and the rune quests for “C” you will not be able to pick up the last part from Fahrad. Once those quests, the quest that takes you to the manor for the first time from the org trainers and the 3 rune quests form “C” are done, then you will be able to pick up the last part for the dagger. Again these CAN be completed even after buying the runes from the org vendor.

Not the case for me. I completed " The Manor, Ravenholdt" and am neutral with them and still no quest. No letter from C, no other quest from the people at Ravenholdt as well.

This is still very much bugged.

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