Dread Hatchling pet removed

Mine is greyed out too.

Mine also is greyed out, sits in the collected list and says revoked.

just putting my 2c in …mines grayed out too cannot find if it’s revoked or not… never trasferred this toon… the achievement is still there dated 11/12/14… (i do have the WoD CE box)

Mine was removed as well, Once I saw it on the FB group I am in I had to check to make sure, and it is true my hatchling is greyed out and not usable even though everything else seems fine. I hope this gets fixed soon, I agree I believe it may be a bug.

Mine is greyed out as well. It does not say “revoked” but I cannot summon him.

Mine says “battle pet is locked” i put in a ticket.

Mine has also apparently been removed from my account despite having it since 2015; its name is still yellow as if collected and I can even see it’s still supposedly level 25, but everything else is greyed out and it’s still inaccessible.

Yea this sucks hope they have a chance to look into it keep the word spreading

I also have this issue. I was searching through pets to do a world quest and noticed it said revoked, which I found odd since I’ve had it since WoD’s launch. This latest patch has caused all kinds of problems, apparently.

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Mine is “revoked” as well. Just adding my 2 cents to the growing pile

I just got a pop up in game saying mine was restored :slight_smile:


I checked my pet collection today and it is no longer greyed out and able to be summoned! :slight_smile: