Dread for Midnight

So who is all on the bucket list of people that will die. If I had to make a suggestion it would go like this:

  • Astalor because he enslaved the Naaru.
  • Rommath because he was rude to the alliance.
  • Lor’themar because he rejected the offer to rejoin the alliance.
  • Thatelan Bloodwatcher because he has a daughter next in line to fit his place.

Survivors will be:

  • Halduron because Vereesa needs a new love interest.
  • Valeera gets alliance plot armor as she is loyal to Anduin and Stormwind
  • Aethas because he sucks up to Jaina.

The future of the blood elf cast is grim and dire I say.


Truly a grim forecast! Let us hope it doesn’t come to that!

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It is Blizzard in the end yes. They will do it to raise the stackes. Killing as many horde leaders withou emotional payoff as possible.

In a Light vs Void cosmic battle for Quel’Thalas, Liadrin will probably be the blood elves’ focus character, which augurs trouble for all three of the Sunfury Spire guys. Lor’themar’s death would conveniently throw QT into a succession crisis in time for the Alliance’s entry to the kingdom, they’ve been trying to kill off Rommath (my beloved) for years, and Halduron is the deadest of all; “Ranger General Alleria” Freudian slips are already happening in TWW. Belore have mercy.


I have no trust in Blizzard. Killing Horde characters is the only way they know to raise Stakes.


I think your misgivings regarding the events of Midnight are, for the most part, misplaced. The writers couldn’t even commit to killing off Khadgar.

That being said, if Lor’themar is killed off, I will be unsubscribing from this game and never returning. :smiling_face:

Liadrin and Salandria showing up in Hallowfall makes me feel like something’s going to happen to one of them in Midnight.


Friendly reminder of


and many others. Blizzard loves a dead red.

They are building her up to replace Liadrin obvisouly. Multiple characters for the same class is only allowed on the alliance side.


I hope that the fact that in the past, prominent Horde characters have been needlessly and cheaply killed is fresh on the writers’ minds moving forward.

In this post-Dragonflight setting, the probability of a prominent Horde character biting the dust now feels slim to none.

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We had two races without an official leader for years. Nothing is above it. You don’t need replacements ready to write the stakes out.


Unfortunately the slaughter of blood elves will be so heinous that they will be removing blood elves and yes indeed void elves from the game.

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Erevien is the meme of “I made something up and got mad it at” made manifest.

Who says she does?

I mean did they give one to Alexstrasza in Dragonflight? Given her previous Prime Consort died during Cata (Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects novel)


Because that what Blizzard does. From all the blood elves Halduron was always the kindest to her.

On what basis? Again, they didn’t give Alexstrasza a new love interest in Dragonflight.

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Any “dread” I may have is that they are going to hand-waive any grievances that the Blood Elves have for the sake of expansion content.

I certainly hope they have a better memory of the Blood Elves compared to that short story where they forgot that the Night Elves attacked the Blood Elves in their level up content.


Anyone else expecting the Arathi Empire to seize Quel’Thalas for the Sunwell and because it technically is one of their “ancestral” homes? Faerin paints a grim picture. I fully expect the Arathi to invade at some point. I expect it to be Quell’Thalas mostly because they seem unaware that Stormwind even exists.


I think Faerin and her expedition will make an excellent first impression on QT’s leaders in Midnight and renew that bond of friendship… only for this mysterious Arathi emperor to presume upon it, when the empire proper takes the stage, and demand fealty instead of friendship. I could see the blood elves’ unwillingness to swear it playing into the scenario you outlined.


The possibility that the Arathi, by order of their emperor either under the influence of Xal’atath or not, would attempt to seize the Sunwell absolutely crossed my mind.

If that were to occur, I would imagine that Faerin wouldn’t support the actions of the empire.


I love the Footman mog. Field Plate goes great with it.

Is there any indication it would be Halduron, though? Do they have any interactions so far?

They met during the Amani uprising in Cataclysm and discussed war strategy.