Dread Aspirant's gear post S1

If anyone could please give me some clear information on how to get the Dread Aspirant’s set in Season 2 I’d greatly appreciate it.

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You can’t, PvP is now in Season 2 and grants the Season 2 set.

You can however, get the one of the tints for both Dread Aspirant and Dread Gladiator from the Arathi Highlands Warfront.

Is there any indication I might’ve missed that we can just get the appearances sometime?

We probably won’t get access to the ensembles until 8.2 at the earliest, if not 9.0. It did take them a long time to implement LFR solo queues for Legion raids after all.

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Also in Legion, we had to wait 2 seasons before we could buy a set with marks (Although it’s a bit hard to judge, as the first two seasons had the same armour as a reward.)


In order to still obtain Season 1’s Dread Aspirant’s armor and weapons, you must use a character that is between levels 110 and 119 and do random battle grounds.

You will very, very slowly obtain the gear by random chance whenever you win a random battle ground.

I hope they do put in a PvP vendor in this expansion, as the gear is beautiful, and it’s unacceptable that they HAVE NOT YET given us a gear vendor for Season 1’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 PvP armor/weapons.


Wait, seriously? Well that’s better than nothing, but blarg. I’ve already leveled my two plate toons and I’m not going to make a third just to PVP in that level bracket >.<

Yeah… at least we do have that.

But, it’s still unacceptable that we have to level a 2nd toon to obtain non-ELITE PvP gear. There needs to be a PvP Vendor. Period.

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Any updates?

As far as I’m aware, there’s still no way to purchase BfA PvP appearances in 8.2. They probably are holding off on implementing the vendors until 9.0.

Still no way to obtain S1 Dread Aspirant gear in 8.2.5.

Still no way these days?


I want the dark blue Aspirant set(s1), I want the purple and the teal Sinister(s2). Why must it be so long before I can spend my tokens on pvp transmogs?.. :frowning: