So my fiance got a new tablet and we’re trying to make it work with her laptop and monitor at the same time. She basically wants to see all three screens at the same time. Right now with her laptop we have a monitor that is connected via HDMI cable. The drawing tablet comes with two usb ports and one HDMI cord. How can I make this work? Or is this not possible?
XP-PEN CR Innovator 16 Drawing Pen Display 15.6 Inch Graphics Display for Art and Animation Artist Is the item she has.
Are you saying that the goal is to hook up both the tablet and the monitor at the same time but that’s not possible because the laptop only has a single HDMI port? Just clarifying.
Correct. Based on some comments from Amazon someone said:
“The one draw back is the multi cable requirement. I use an Anker USB-C hub to combine the 3 cables into just one USB-C connection to my laptop”
I just don’t know what to order that will work. So she can plug all three cords into one thing.
What laptop is your fiancé using?
Acer Predator Helios 300 Gaming Laptop PC, 15.6" FHD IPS w/ 144Hz Refresh, Intel i7-8750H, GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB DDR4, 256GB NVMe SSD, Aeroblade Metal Fans PH315-51-78NP
Sorry not sure why the font is like that.
So it looks like her laptop has a USB-C port on it. That should you enable you to use a hub like this or this to add another HDMI port and more USB ports, which you should then be able to plug the graphics tablet into.
There are dozens of other USB-C hubs that will also work, but be aware that a lot of the stuff on Amazon is no-name junk.
Thanks! I’ll let her know. As long as it works she’ll be happy. Does she need all three cords plug into one or can she just use the HDMI part? The two items look different. Which one would you go with?
As long as the hub in question has a sufficient number of USB ports in addition to the HDMI port, she should be able to plug them all into the hub to consolidate all three into one.
EDIT: As far as which I would choose goes, the answer depends on whether I saw myself needing the additional ports offered by the second one or not. The second is a bit nicer in that it places all 3 USB and HDMI on the same side, which is nice for cable tidiness.