Draught of the 10 Lands

51-60 should not have any advances offered at the start of fresh content. If you can’t understand that simple concept, this isn’t the game for you. Nor will any amount of whining you and Yonbi make avail you on this point.

Ask again in a year. Then it might be a point worth considering. Not really though since after you level your first, you can play with a buff to experience, and the zones can be done in any order wished. Thus the Draught would be overkill and both of you know that full well.


That’s fine, but let’s agree nothing was being “handed to you”.

Also it wasn’t a “51-60” it was a “50-51” buff, which has existed with every other xp potion prior to SL. So hardly anything to complain about.

Tell you what. How about more than a 48 hour heads up? People have been planning for days/weeks/months and they keep changing stuff up the last minute.

Is this why they delayed SL? Because the 50-51 experience is broken by “Draught of the Ten Lands”? Or are there more important things we should be worrying about?

I, for one, am more concerned if whether my server will actually be up and playable for the first 6 hours unlike BFA. That is far more useful than draught for the 50-51 experience (which is basically just the maw intro).

It’s not a 48 hour heads up. This has been the case forever.

Your just hoping to twist Kaivax words into a concession, this is how the game has always dealt with such things. You should be glad they even did the experience buff for the anniversary this year, they could of easily decided not to and that too would of been within their rights.


What are you talking about?

The xp modifiers that say level X have always worked until X+1. Even potions, the drums, heirlooms, etc. have all worked this way. It is basically uniformly true for any item with a level restriction.

I’m not twisting anything. I’m not even saying I disagree with the decision.

All I’m saying is that it’s kind of the 11th hour, and I would’ve thought there are more important things to be fixing than this.

Also, if you are going to do something like this, that has been working like this and never been deemed a problem before, then maybe doing it the last possible moment isn’t the most prudent thing.

You can’t honestly assert that this game isn’t for someone just because they don’t agree with your arbitrary personal definition of what and how something should be.


So obviously you’re disabling the free 30% experience buff alliance get from war mode as well, considering its even more game breaking than the potion. Especially seeing as all the oceanic realms are alliance dominated, yet they still get the welfare buff?


Whatever you say.

Kaivax laid out how it’s going to be. It’s a fair call. I’m out. Can’t reason with forum-goers.

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Please consider putting this information in game by adding it to the tooltip for the item in question. Several other items’ tooltips already say “Ineffective above level…” but this one does not. Putting this information on the tooltip will help to allay confusion for people who have not seen this post.

Thanks for the XP Nerf changes. So tired of having 100 items to level with when leveling is so fast now including the expansion content. People are insane when they complain about the few hours it takes to level…

Honestly it’s too bad leveling gotten a bit casual, but it is what it is.

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Let me know the last expansion that came out and you had a leveling buff to use for it.

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War mode :wink: Do I win something?

No because you still have that

“Let me know the last expansion that came out and you had a leveling buff to use for it.”

I was correct I win :wink: Prize now!

Sorry war mode doesn’t count as a self buff. In fact, war mode perks are stupid.

In BFA the xp buff from heirlooms worked until 111.

I don’t believe it worked at the start of the expansion, but I don’t have a way to verify now.

It did. Just like in legion they worked until 101.

This has always been the case for buffs like these which is why it’s odd they are doing something about it now.

It’s the same reason why all of the potions and other buffs that seemingly have a cap at 50 continue to work until 51.

It has always worked this way up until they decided to nerf this. Xp buff or otherwise.

I disagree the garrison potion was nerfed prior to legion coming out and the world xp potions were also nerfed prior to draenor coming out.

Frankly, I’m pretty happy with the linear story progression. Being 60 means nothing is you can’t do any max level activities. Disabling the pot didn’t really do much, the quest line however, brilliant.

Right and it still worked until cap+1. Trust me dude.