Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

Decent solution.

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You are saying the game grew after LFR was introduced? Didn’t we hit peak numbers in wrath? Or maybe the immediate spike of buyers for the new expansion at the start of cata? But that can’t be attributed to LFR since it immediately fell of and LFR remained.

I’m not saying LFR is the reason for the fall off it would be silly to try and attribute it to any one thing but it is not only silly to attribute growth to it but also incorrect since that was when sub’s started decreasing.

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You are correct, and subs were decreasing long before LFR.

I’m guessing a lot of it was not having as many NEW players coming in. Even during the sub increase stage MANY people were quitting, there was just a lot coming. It’s like a river, if there’s a lot of water going out but even more water coming in the river rises, now if you dam the inlet the water level will lower.

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LFR is in it’s current iteration is a truly miserable place and I hope it gets a revamp or outright removed soon.

If LFR was my first encounter with raiding I’d never do it again.


What’s wrong with LFR? Aside from the fact that most of the gear is useless before you even step in there.

raidbots com/simbot/report/t3mUH6ponC8KTgPvsiYcjd


raidbots com/simbot/report/5pjip7MuZn4bYixbk4hJ8o

Thats my alt hunter. No HoDs. Limited scaling corruption, in the gear I had for M illy, before vendor.

2.3% difference or so? Scales more if i actually buy anything off vendor.

Thats more dps than i gained going from the heroic bow to the mythic bow with socket.

So roughly a 2% difference between human and nightborne. Seems normal considering the nightborne racials are essentially non-existent for any physical damage based spec. That’s pretty much the best a racial bonus can do, provide a 2% bonus.

What about any other race than nightborne then? The difference should be even less noticeable.

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Everything. The design is faulty, people don’t try because they’ve been conditioned that you don’t have to try even though that hasn’t been the case for years, there are some of the most toxic people there who have no reason to be…

Its whole concept needs to be reconsidered and potentially reworked (NOT removed)


It’s not that for some. I’ve been playing WoW for a few years but with this trainwreck that BfA is, I had to stop playing because it wasn’t enjoyable and went to try out FFXIV, and I love that game. Trying to return to WoW is difficult when I’m being reminded why I even left for FFXIV.

Some of us do want WoW to be good, but it’s not.

Again, a little more than 2% on my hunter. If my hunter was better geared it would be greater than 3%.

Human, Tauren and Dwarf are pretty close.

Dark Iron, Draenei, and Nightborne are all close.

And that is now. When they have tried to balance racials.

My bad, 2.11% instead of 2%, oof! That % goes down to around 1%, or even less, for races with stats % racials with stats that aren’t bad for whatever the spec is.

Not sure why you think they’ve tried to balance racials honestly, they really haven’t done anything except nuke down any outliers (see: Troll slow reduction for Jaina or Belf aoe silence)

Sadly, Covenants will have far more drastic differences between them than 2 to 3%, as they provide different mechanics between each other. This cannot be balanced!

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It’s just more “fly paper” Blizzard is adding to try to keep people logged into the game longer. Blizzard fails at adding content between major patches that keep people active in the game so they add more RNG and grinds to try and do that.


You must have some bad luck with lfrs, most of mine have been full of positive people, even my last n’zoth one

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Subs were in free fall well before 4.3 was even announced. There were a few major complaints. Limited max level content. Heroics were insanely difficult out the gate, and then people complained when Blizzard didn’t stick to their guns and nerfed them.

Then there was the complaint when 4.3 did come out about reusing old assets for the Dragon Soul raid, and the knee-jerk oh no kung-fu panda after the MoP announcement.

So there were issues leading up to the introduction to LFR.

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Dunno. But people keep asking for impactful professions again. They won’t be balanced.

People are cheering the re-introduction of things like 2h enh and SMF, which will not be balanced either.

People want class identity back or un-pruning. Spoiler, will lead to more unbalanced unless the un-pruned abilities are things like eyes of the beast or mind vision.

But covenants is where people make the stand on things that must be tightly balanced? Seems arbitrary.

Yup, it’s all busywork to keep people playing.

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Anyone who thinks this just effects the .00001% is fooling themselves.

People will gatekeep content for not having the right covenant. Just like they do with everything else.

Will picking the correct absolute best, 1% more DPS covenant matter? Probably not.

Will people act like the sky is falling if you dont have the one they deem correct? Guaranteed.

Thats a community problem, not a game design problem. BUT its such a large and continued community problem that Blizzard needs to design around it.


100% agree with everyone said. I’m also looking at this from a PvP perspective. Instead of chosing something that has the asthetics and lore I love I’m going to pick the one that is good for my class.

Additionally the one I pick for PvP could be next to useless for pve because they’re so different. They claimed when they made gear gear it was because they wanted to remove this. Well this is even worse because before you could carry two sets of gear. In this you can only ever have one covenant.

BLIZZARD YOU MAKE NO SENSE?!?!??! Make covenants have awesome different cosmetics, lore and maybe cosmetic abilities. Locking power choices is very unfun.


End of expansion. No new content in ~6 months.
I can guarantee you there are less people playing the game now than at any of the various patch releases throughout this expansion.

What utter bullocks this statement is.
Imagine trying to allude to BoA Essences boosting the game’s population to record breaking numbers when it’s deader than ever, as is traditional at this point in an expansions life cycle when content updates have ceased. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yeah really i feel soooo bad for them