Drakthyr transmog

Please make visage form and drakthyr form have separate mogs in a future patch.

It’s hard to find a mog that looks good in visage form AND matches drac armor with just shoulders and belts.

Feel like either drac or visage has to suffer to make the other look good.


Mecha-gnomes would like to have a word with you I’m sure.

Also: let us pick whether lizardform or visage form shows up on the character selection screen.

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They need to give mechagnomes the option to have single limbs be mechanized instead of all four.

I’d say have both like the way worgen do

Not really needed as the mechagnomes have new animations using the limbs compared to the gnomes. Swimming is a fun one as the hands turn into propellers.

Yeah that’s fine but I’m sure some mechagnomes players would like the option to opt out of all four limbs being mechanized so their transmog options aren’t so limited.

Like having only one arm mechanized would be pretty neat

I understand that too but I see the animations showing off their upgrades as a better display of our differences.

edit: There is another concept for mechanized limbs from Gerenzo. Perhaps others can use the idea to minor limbs?

I met Gerenzo once, but let me tell you, he’s not easy on the eyes. His flesh looks like it’s rotting away, and he’s grafted metal and gears onto his body, replaced some of his limbs with mechanical ones.

Northeast of here, far above Cragpool Lake, up near the water wheel is where Gerenzo watches over the entire site. There’s no way I could fight my way up there, not to mention take on Gerenzo… But you look like you might be able to make it.

If you kill him for me, I’ll make it worth your while!

Regular gnome is your answer

No at least one limb would be mechanized. Or you still also have the other mecha parts on their heads

It’s all about player agency. Some would like all limbs mechanized. Other would like just one to better show of their mogs.

As long as something is machanized is what matters. That way mechagnomes don’t get their identity gutted like velves did.