So just to clarify so I’m not just assuming, drakthyr race/class won’t actually show armor or transmog is will show the preset armor/clothes build into the costumization option, or will it be normally transmoggable
As far as we know, the Dracthyr proper won’t show your gear, but Two Forms Dracthyr will. You just won’t look like a dragon, you’ll look like a tumor-riddled femHuman or male Blood Elf.
See the problem that leads to is that in combat you have to be in dragon form, so basically blizzard is being lazy again. Thanks for clarifying for me
Edit: every drakthir is just ganna be a slightly different but basically the same dragon person with the same armor but slightly different color
Ayup. Very cool.
Which is a shame, because I really like the dragon form, but Blizzard is terrified of… Uh… I dunno. Letting people customize their dragon-sona.
If this is truely the case then blizzard needs to remove the requirement to be in dragon form in combat
That’s horrible.
I don’t wanna be a sparkle elf, though.
I was really looking forward to drakthyr race but as most of the reason I play wow is for badass transmogs they arnt an option any more
Name one person interested in Dracthyr that WANTS to be the not-dragon form.
Actually, there are those people, but they’re as weird as people that get mad that Worgen are wolf-people instead of Other Humans.
Well yeah everyone would rather be in dragon form IF they could mog, but I’d rather be a sparkle elf with weird colors if it means I can use my transmogs
Yeah, I was hoping to play a buff dragon decked out in super chunky plate. Them not bothering to get gear to work on their model just feels cheap.
It really does. It feels so incredibly lazy and really makes me wonder just what the hell we’re supposed to get out of the expansion. It’s especially jarring when you realize that a huge amount of armor is literally just painted onto the model, so it’s just a texture swap.
Well if you don’t want to be in dragon form while in combat I got great news for you. Recently added to world of warcraft are two new races
You’ll be able to roll these new races very soon, so you don’t have to try and ruin dracthyr!
It’s less they don’t want to be a dragon in-combat, it’s that they want to show off armor and mogs, which the Dracthyr can’t do outside of Visage Form, which is incredibly lazy.
Soooo I got some news for ya, the point of this thread isn’t to allow combat in normal form it’s to bring attention to blizzards laziness when it comes to animations and models, they could have spent more time and allowed drakthyr to have normal armor models and be playable as all the basic classes they said recently they were going to let every race play (warrior priest mage hunter rogue).but instead they are rushing this xpac in the name of “class fantasy” that they already threw out the window. If blizzard states that they will work on armor models and opening it to more classes, it would show they actually pay attention to their player base like they claim to.
I mean I would much rather play a non worgen form ,worgen game and non drac forms
So, 1
Well, as a Vulpera listed above, Human is right there on the list of playable races for your perusal.
They don’t have the class you want? Well, you’re right, we should open up more classes to more races (ideally, all of them).
I’m not advocating for a change I’m just saying i would do it
You will see this… actually a worse version of.
Lets face it… Dinowarriors >>>>> Blizzard terrible Argonians.
Burn it with whatever’s hotter than fire
Well ya beat me there.