Draktharon Keep

When i jumped down from the walk way to run out of the Draktharon keep Dungeon, when you fall down in the water you get steady disconnected from the game and now i cant log in on my character as it is a insta disconnect from the entire game.


Happened to two of our party

yep, can even chain over and over. some of us had to drown to escape it

currently stuck and sadly cant stay on long enough to go under water to suicide my toon

Yo can we get a fix on this? It just disconnected 4/5 of our party. I used the move character thing, but that has a CD of 8 hours so I’m not really wanting to do this dungeon again if it means I get stuck in a disconnect loop and have to risk being booted to a 6 hour queue

how has this not been addressed yet? watching a guildie chain DC and cant even get low enough to drown.

Had the same thing happen.

I found this link in another ancient thread, so posting it again here to try and help some more people.

This fixed it for me >

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