Drain Life, we will miss you

You’re undead, you were already a stiff.

I’m inclined to agree with him a little confused about the point you’re trying to make

How can it heal if it never did damage? The healing comes from the damage :open_mouth:

But so it still functioned to a noticeable degree at some point yes?

It’s a low damaging spell and how it heals is the 500% cash back you get from it. But you don’t use Life Drain just as a damaging ability as I said you combine it with things like Soul Rot and for it’s stacks to max (rip max stack LD).

This should be considered to be added to Affliction Warlocks again…

Maybe if they add Dark Apotheosis (Lock Meta) to retail it can be a nice upgraded Life Drain for that Demonic Form!

Post it in the Warlock Class Forum and see it light up! :rofl:


Ah yes the spell that is number 5 or 6 in my Details log when im in an arena or bg doesn’t do damage

Makes sense

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The removal of the stacking drain life buff from Agony for affliction hurts.

I loved the potential of affliction to do some crazy occasional drains that chunked.

Would love if they introduced some bonus max HP, life tap for dmg, big drain life gameplay loops for affliction again

Never said it didn’t do damage, the OP did. I have said before that Life Drain needs to be combined with things to do notable damage and it’s really just for healing and it’s utility.

Oh word ok

My drain life is doing about 25K healing per tick right now, on DF mobs.

Little over 2.5% of my health.

Actually, it must be critting. I’m also getting 12.5K per tick. 1.25%

5 ticks per cast.

I honestly don’t know if that’s better or not.

Its wonderful in old raids and dungeons. Burning Rush until you’re almost dead, and the scaling let its tic you back to full as it murders the mob.

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That’s about the only actual use it has these days.
Even considering the shield from Soulburn it’s not going to be saving you from any real damage. And that already costs a shard on top of standing still to get the full benefit, so it’s just an awful trade-off for what amounts to a shield of wet toilet paper.

It’s not because you’d get more healing throughput from Soul Leech by just dpsing

Savor this. Knowing blizz they’ll remove or inadvertently nerf it for no reason

I’d not look unkindly toward a short buff to DL after crunching a healthstone.

I have, and do, use it in encounters when things are quite desperate.

I think it actually helps a little to give the healer a few more nano-seconds to save my Pink Ponytails from destruction at the hands(?) of some fel/void/nether spawned beast.

I’ll miss it too.

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Drain Life has been in this state since DF. Only thing that really changed was the Affliction Talent that made it a part of the damage rotation being removed. If you want massive healing gains from just drain life, you need to take a talent that none of the cookie cutter guides take that causes you to gain a heal over time based upon the percentage of healing you received from it because that ends up not being an insignificant number if you were using it frequently, like when alternating between drain life and health funnel into your voidwalker when soloing elites.

I was psyched when I first had the idea this might work and even more psyched when it did.

Its actually a good way to just clear a bunch of trash.

Make sure you have that “auto target” feature on (which I do), and just spam Drain Life. It leaps out to all the nearby mobs one by one, it’s “instant cast”, so its really fast. Especially now that they got rid of the AOE incinerate talent.

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Why is a metamorphosis affliction vanilla lock just awesome and they can’t do something like that in retail?

I leveled my warlock in the prelaunch thing the other morning and it drained just fine. Maybe not as fast as I would have liked since I still died.

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I’m not. Drain Life has helped me out on my lock but I’ve noticed that soul stones keep disappearing so they don’t help at all.

I’ve resorted to just using health pots instead. Can’t rely on soul stones. At all.

Yeah…I was gonna say…Ive been finishing targets off with it to get my health back up as theyre dying. Seems to work perfectly for me

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