The new blue dragon campaign was great. At the end Dragonwrath holders have an additional quest to put Tarecgosa to rest and receive it as a mount.
She has a new and updated model for quest- not the old cataclysm one.
This is her new model
This visage mount you get is still using cataclysm skin
Can we expect a model update in the future to her current model? Any blues can comment if its in the works or possible?
The mount is a museum piece. It shouldn’t be updated.
I know typically mount updates are never done. In this situation I feel like it should be as they went through effort including a new storyline for her, and additionally make it an account wide learned mount besides the model update and storyline inclusion.
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The “mount” is just a QoL update so we don’t have to carry the staff. It’s not account wide and it’s not new and it’s not meant to be a separate mount. Just a QoL update we asked for as staff owners so we don’t have to take up a bag slot and swap it out to transform.
It is only a QoL update for staff owners so we don’t have to use the staff in our bags. That’s all.
Updated title/content. Thanks for that I didn’t bother checking I just went off the item when I first read it and assumed it was account wide.
Would still like to see it updated to current model that has way more pixels and current graphics. In this specific situation it would be great.
Tarecgosa’s model always looked like that btw and has always been different from the mount
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I wouldn’t be opposed to a model update, though I’m perfectly happy with the one I’ve been given. Now that it’s technically a mount, updating the model should be a little easier, in theory.
Same would just love to see it as a the newer crisp model. Especially given it was given a questline in DF.
We don’t play on classic servers. There really is no reason to NOT slowly update older stuff to extend the life of game. In this situation would have been nice to have it updated to modern graphics with release of quest.
I think vanilla- present stuff should slowly be graphically updated little by little.
For people who don’t like seeing stuff modern well the classic servers exist for that reason.
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Unlike some people… I would thorougly enjoy a model update 
I think any pushback comes from people that are like “but muh vanilla 4 pixels”
With as old as WoW is getting the game getting graphically updated on its older mounts/zones/transmogs little by little would do wonders for it.
Like I said in this specific situation it would have been nice if it got a fresh new look with the DF storyline.
This game is as old as me so luckily I really don’t care about “vanilla this” or “vanilla that” 
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Sign me up for a model update as well!
I love the Tarecgosa we see in the quests, hope one day the Dragonwrath mount can reflect it some more. Not something I would normally hope for but now that Tarecgosa’s Visage is now an actual mount I am a little hopeful 
+1 for model update. People who want the original can go play cata classic when that comes out…ahahhahahahhaha 
Why would you not want the new model? Apart from getting off on being obtuse?
I’ve met a surprising amount of people on WoW that are very anti updating old graphics/content/transmogs/mounts and very opposed to it.
Take the classics for example. Transmog would have been an awesome enough feature to get me to play it again and you breathe a word about it to them people lose their minds.
Pretty much same mentality with touching the very aged and dated graphics on retail. I know I can’t be the only one whose imagined how fantastic the older legacy content would look modernized. Heck imagine the older tier sets the exact same with modern graphics. Bloodfang and Judgement set come to mind.
Hopefully before WoW finally dies off we get a chance to see the entirety of game and everything within it given a graphical update.
Take a look at Silvermoon. I imagine it would be as beautiful as Suramar with todays rendering.
Huehue …
Kind of a clever pun there too (whether intended or not), with the blue-dragonflight vibes & all. 
I would also love to see this updated to reflect the new model. It is supposed to be a Visage of Tarecgosa, not a warped reflection a-la the famous “melting bard” scene of DnD Honor Among Thieves. It’s a model swap, even if they don’t uptune and redesign the whole model to parity with the NEW-new dragon models (although I would LOVE to see that), just make the Visage mount model actually an accurate Visage of Tarecgosa herself.
If they DO uptune the graphics to the NEW-new DF models, do that, but also add that model as a customization option for the Highland Drake, like last season’s PvP skin for it.
Think about it, Tarecgosa soaring the skies of the draconic homeland.
Any blues to comment, bonus points if you’re a blue named for a Blue.
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There is no new model of Tarecgosa.
I don’t want a Ghostbusters demon dog mount, thanks. They ruined Stellagosa with that. She doesn’t even have the runes or anything anymore.
We don’t have dragon mounts, we have drake mounts.
Please leave my lovely looking Tarecgosa Visage alone, thank you.
While I do miss the runes and personalization of the old Stella model, we have to be honest, she was at best a minor character back in Legion.
I’ve had the mount for a decade at least, and always been slightly annoyed with it. I get it, Blizz just slapped a drake model on it, threw on some horns, a ribbon, and a visual effect, rather than use Tarecgosa’s model, but it’s literally called the “Visage of Tarecgosa” not the “Tarecgosa’s Drake”.
Like with Onyxia, the mount is called “Onyxian Drake”. It’s not a copy of Onyxia, nor is it meant to be. Dragonwrath IS. It’s literally her soul bound to the staff, her Visage. And we don’t get that, we get a slightly-too-cold oven-baked drake model.
We just want the Visage to be accurate to Tarecgosa, not the drake they gave us. With the reintroduction of Tarecgosa, and the tying off of her storyline, it’s a good time to do it. A graphics update to the new dragon model would just be a nice bonus.