Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids (GREAT NEWS EVERYONE)

when a normal 25 man comp as over 18 kicks, i call cap on it being harder. just hit kick lol. if healers are not kicking theyre just dumb

its very easy to say something is easy but i bet if i go to any guilds logs i can find them screwing up things basically every pull, its why i never specifically call guilds out for their mistakes because they could easily find me also making mistakes

100% just because its easy doesnt mean you cant mess it up. but with something as easy as kicking it shouldnt be considered hard whatsoever. when you have 8 people per pillar if you miss a kick thats pretty cringe tbh. even with 6 people getting cinders youre more than likely going to have kicks. not to mention ranged kicks like mages, dks, shams

His point is that it’s harder.

Should we mess up on kicks? No we shouldn’t but more variables means more ways to mess up.

This is also why I liked swapping to ele because I can do certain mechanics that the mage couldn’t do like interrupts and if I’m responsible for a mechanic it isn’t going to be messed up because I’m just that kind of player.

Go look up my ele Peeposcam,all I did was volunteer for the stuff that had to get done because I know if I’m the 1 responsible it’s going to be done right.

Well, you have 6 people assigned to it and 1 back up, 1 guy forgets he is muted, or he’s tunnel visioning and the rest of the group are just standing there expecting the guy assigned to get his kick, the cast will go off, assigning 1 individual who gets every kick would be a lot easier.

Like i say this is classic wow, any complication at all is added difficulty, an average guild probably has 200 mechanics failures per raid night

This is a lot of what it is.

You can’t call out I’m gonna miss this kick in time for the cast so the other guys on the platform for them to kick it and cast goes off.

Him acting like this doesn’t happen is odd.

This is why when I was on ele id get the kick always even if I got a cinder on me

you 100% call if you cant get it. thats just bad play if you cant

yes and bad play is responsible for like 95%+ of wipes in classic wow, its very rare when you wipe to something that wasn’t someone doing or not doing what they should be doing, this variable goes up as you add more people to do the “you need to do this or we die” assignments

And that is exactly why people wipe idon’t understand what you’re not getting

i understand its just not hard tho lol

I bet if we went through your logs we would find dozens and dozens of times of you wiping to stupid stuff that isn’t hard

But this is the difference between 25 man and 10 you have more variables on 25 man which lead to a higher chance of making mistakes

100% im not the greatest however saying one extra kick on 25 man that makes it hard is cringe. well in 25 you can make a million mistakes but if you make one in 10 youre scuffed. one death in 10 man is a wipe pretty much.

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I mean it’s stuff like this all thru the raid.

Like Nef you bring up crackle but a lot of our wipes were the adds that we have twice as more of.

Sure we have another tank but do you not get how that adds a layer of difficulty?

Now if any of those tanks mess up and the adds go free we die.

It’s just stuff like this all thru the raid and those are the differences. We swapped Nef to 10m and got it down pretty easily.

it is more then fair if it was trule going to be fair they would have to wait 2.5 as long which is not the case.

That is 100% wrong my guild who is only 9/13H would opt to run 3 10man raids to make 3 staffs if 10man made the staffs at the same pace. Then after getting all the casters the staffs they wanted Before reverting back to 25man.

my 25man guild has 16 people who want the staff!!!

Trolls highjacked the topic simply by typing “10m easy lol” and “uhhh 25m should have better rewards cuz more people and HARD”. Honestly, just mute these 2-3 people and go on with the discussion.

The legendary staff acquisition NEEDS to be faster than this, and most importantly, WE DON’T WANT A LONGER PHASE.


You don’t speak for all of us.

Would rather talk to walls than some of the cataclysm posters tbh almost the same answers I would expect.

Back to the actual thread I don’t think I see them changing the numbers as of right now… they might release it like this and maybe mid phase they might tune the numbers again before DS. Again this is a MAYBE… but you never know with this sod devs…


One of the crybabies begging for the 10-man staff to be made at the same pace as the 25-man is also begging for T11 raids nerfs.

Let that sink in.

They aren’t changing anything.

The only thing they should change (but they wont) Is to make Heroics drop more then normal. But they wont do that.

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