{Dragonsbane} Recruiting!

Dragonsbane (Horde) is currently recruiting 2 priests, a dps warrior and resto shaman for core raid positions for immediate raiding.

Any class/player with end game plans and availabilty to adhere to the raid schedule will be considered.
We use a prioritized EPGP Loot system to ensure fair and optimal upgrades for all classes. We are looking for players that can raid Thursday/sunday 6:30pm ST+. Currently doing BWL/MC thursdays and zg’s sundays. AQ on sundays upon release.
Dragonsbane has existed since the dawn of vanilla. We boast an array of experienced, knowledgable and helpful members, top rated server tanks and #1MC execution. Come join a successful and committed guild, and fulfill your wow classic dreams :slight_smile:

Contact bnet: Morgue#1349
Ingame Arugal: Mail/message Holykow or any online dragonsbane member for application