Dragonriding through all of azeroth

I want they bring dragonriding to all zones. But there is no reason to remove the old flying.

Following your logic, they should removed ground mounts, cause normal flying is better than that… makes no sense.

More options is always better than remove options, so, everyone can use your favorite way to ride around the world.


how about remove ground mounts. make them all fly regular or dragonflying. :wink:

but i prefer having them all in the game.

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I think they should just put it in the Options menu to turn on “dragon” riding for all mounts. IMO this is the way flying should have been from the start. But an option will allow players to choose which one to use.

I think it should be an option in the mounts page, as a enhancement to your mount. Some people don’t like dragon riding. I personally wouldn’t mind having the opportunity to change it on some mounts and maybe even change the dragon riding mounts to normal flying with mount enhancements, it would also make the enhancement slot a usable thing again.

Only if they put it on all flying mounts.

Also,there was mention they are going to have it as a toggle between the two at some point.

There’s enough flight fight threads as it is, there was no reason to dredge up a nine month old one.

both is better
give the dragonriders all the perks they get in dragon isle
and i say give the req flyers the ability like the golem with the herb harvesting for nods

Remove all riding and increase flight points. Mounts were a mistake.