Dragonriding Races Bugged

Can start the Dragon riding races but my path arrow goes straight into the ground and the gates do not spawn. Unable to complete on current main character.


I’ve seen this on a couple tracks too. Friends don’t seem to have the problem.

Yeah same thing here. Having an issue with races I’ve completed on other toons. The one at Obsidian Bulwark starts but when I complete it nothing happens and it acts like I went out of bounds and ports me.

The other is Wild Preserve Circuit. This one starts but the line is just pointing at the starting line, no circles, nothing. Can’t even complete it.

Every other race was fine except for the ones I have completed on another character. The achieves are grey, but they say “completed” when moused-over(no character listed).

Edit: after checking another race I had completed on a different toon in Ohn’ahran Plains(Sundapple Copse Circuit), this one finished completely fine. Seems it’s just those 2 I listed above.

Same thing here. Happened in two races so far. Uktulut Coaster Ride and Flashfrost Flyover. Ruby Lifeshrine Loop went just fine.

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It’s almost like the race is phasing midway through. Sometimes the entire thing disappears, sometimes it’s present but never finishes once I hit the last circle. I think the one at Obsidian Bulwark is affected by my progress at the Obsidian Citadel, since the race takes me near there.

Edit: For that race, the phasing seems to happen consistently at 34, 64. Right where Skald the Impaler’s spawn point is showing.

Same thing has been happening since launch on my Dracthyr Evoker. All of my alts can do the races fine. Is this happening to anyone on other classes/races?

Troll Mage, having same issue for half the races. Some work, some don’t.

This has also been happening to me since launch. 3/4 of the racing WQs have been bugged for me.

I’m affected by this bug as well and I found out that the tutorial race seems to be loading instead of the intended race. I noticed this when trying Flashfrost Flyover again and followed someone else who seemed to be doing it and found the tutorial rings active.

Could you try out Flashfrost Flyover again and see if this is happening to you as well? And if so, do you remember if you were partied with someone doing the tutorial race with you when you did it?

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I was just now able to fix this issue for me by party syncing with someone at the “Dragonriding”(#68795) quest and completing that section of the main quest. Somehow, I didnt get quest completion saved on those tutorial quests, but doing them through party snyc and fixed it.

That’s a very strange way to fix it! The problem is finding someone who’s exactly on that quest, which one is exactly? Or is the quest id 68795?

But yeah i’ve been having the same issue as the other posters mentioned above, even the same areas mentioned and shown in the video… Really hope they can adress this because i can’t complete the first Course questline or do half of the world quests… I thought it was perhaps some UI error on my part and was planning to reinstall but doesn’t seem to be the case

I had this same issue since launch. I attempted this when I saw your comment and it worked! I party synced with someone who was on the quest “For the Benefit of the Queen” and then went right to the quest “Dragonriding” (skipped The Mandate of the Red) and continued with all the race quests. I stopped after completed “The Skytop Observatory.” I haven’t tried all the races but I am now able to complete at least 2 races that I previously couldn’t do.

I found another one today that doesn’t work: Sundapple Copse Circuit. It gets to a certain point and the rings and path disappears then starts the fail countdown. I kind of need these for the rep so I can get my engineering up more.

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has been happening to me too. first race worked, now all others just point straight to the start location with no rings to fly through

Bugged since launch day (Nov. 28th). Still not fixed. I guess hoping for it to get fixed was the wrong play. Anyone running a community party sync service to help those of us affected by this bug? I mean I could always just buy a character boost on a second account since my friends would rather play the game (and I would too) than help me fix this issue.

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Same problem since launch, I even contacted in-game support via a ticket and they can’t do anything about it. So I’m stuck not being able to finish the quest “The Waking Shores Tour” nor am I able to finish many world quests related to some races.

About the quest, those are the races I can’t complete:
Emberflow Flight, Apex Canopy River Run, Uktulut Coaster, Wild Perserve Circuit

Not sure if this will help anyone else but - I was having this issue and was able to solve because I noticed I had the little clock in my bag. It got there from an uncompleted race I had previously.

Once I destroyed the item, I was able to solve that and got back to doing races :slight_smile:

Hope it helps!

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OMG! Thank you! This worked!

Faction change fixed it for me after being stuck since day one on my one character