Dragonriding feedback #3216

I like it! I just don’t like proto drakes… How about you let us use our own dragon/drake mounts the same way? Make it exclusive to them so its still “dragonriding”. Thank you for your consideration.

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There isn’t just a proto drake, there’s 3 other drakes.


I like to use a Dragonhawk something small, less all over the screen.

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velocidrake is my favorite and its not even a dragon its a dinosaur

The green drake is quite small honestly.

the smaller the better its why i use a lot of flying horse mounts to fly

I just favorited all of them and let it cycle lol.

I thought the Highland Drake would be my favorite because it’s actually a dragon, but it ended up just looking big and bulky and awkward

Meanwhile I didn’t care for the Wylderdrake going in but after seeing it in action I really like it. Just needs a good paint job

You’re welcome.

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Yessssss! Thank you! :melting_face:

They should unlock Dragonflying mechanics for all flying mounts.

I want to Dragonfly on my Mimiron’s Head.

(Being serious, btw. It’s silly to have collected 600 mounts and only use the 4 new ones.)

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You unlock it as you progress through the story, so nothing to stress about.

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True true, but it would still be nice to use my fancy new Fel Drake the same way.

Or those protoforge mounts I farmed so many Genesis Motes for.

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Same. Druid used smallest form possible too.

Because previously when we rode dragons, it was not dragon riding. Real dragon riding is only on these very specific proto drakes, that are different from the other dozens of protodrakes I have in my pokeballs for some reason.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems you can zoom out a lot further this expansion. Seems to counter the size of the dragon pretty well. I just picked up playing again this expansion so maybe they added it last expansion but it seems better.

I do understand though. I used the disc a lot before because it lets me see more around my character model. Even after buying the iron skyreaver lol