Dragonriding Abilities disappear from action bar after every log out

PSA: For all that are affected by this bug, if you macro the skills on to your bars, and because it’s not the ability it stays on the bars. I have tested and this works for me.

Edit: The bug, and my workaround are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT5wG6nBsNs


Happening to me too.

The workaround is to create macro keys that casts the Dragon Riding abilities then stick those on your action bar.


Thank you for this!

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Same thing happens to me, very frequently - When I log, when I change specs, key binds can also go. Constantly having to re-pull them out.

Still happening on the main character that unlocked Dragonriding. Alts are fine.

Same thing happening here.

Me too on my main Druid toon. I had to also manually put the spells on my bar when i got dragon riding

I’ve found the solution to my problem.

I was using the AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon and under the cvar browser the option “AutoPushSpellToActionBar” was set to 0 (default is 1).

After setting this back to 1, I readded the dragon riding spells to the action bar and now they stay there like they should. No more losing them from the dragon riding action bar when logging out, etc.

If you’d like to check what yours is set too:
/dump GetCVar(“AutoPushSpellToActionBar”)

To change it back to default:
/console AutoPushSpellToActionBar 1

Hopes this helps someone.


This is happening on several of my lower level characters. My main and a couple of my lower levels are fine.

Yes this is happening to me as well, specifically to my 2 characters that I leveled in Exile’s Reach during Pre-Patch.

A temporary solution is to make a macro for each skill:
/cast Skyward Ascent

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You are onto something.

The character I have the issue with is a new character I leveled a few weeks before the pre patch (from lvl 1 to 60 through exile reach) I never used AdvancedInterfaceOptions on this specific alt, I went and activated the addon and used the cvar browser and it show that the option was last modified by “Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_NewPlayerExperience\Blizzard:TutorialSteps.lua:48”

So at least in my case, at some point in the exile reach campaign the option was turned off by the game.

Can confirm that this happens regularly for myself. No addons installed or have ever been installed.

I would also like to bump this. My hunter has to add it every log in more than 15 mins dc-ed.

He did do intro quests in waking shore but i did fly before completion.

As others have said every non dragon flight ability stays

I have the same issue. For my main the abilities completely disappear every time I log and for my alts they don’t disappear but get reset every time I log.

I have somewhat of the opposite experience, where the dragonriding abilities are automatically being added to my action bar.

In my case, I use macros for my dragon riding abilities, in order to make dismounting + attacking a smoother process – example:

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Stormstrike
/cast [@target,harm,nodead] Stormstrike
/cast Surge Forward

When I log out and then in again, i’ll find that the game has automatically added the dragonriding abilities to the empty spaces on my action bar. In my case, I only have 2 empty slots available, so only the first 2 dragon riding abilities are added. The rest of the slots are my macros + class abilities.

Edit: I just noticed in a previous reply, someone called out the CVar AutoPushSpellToActionBar – disabling this is the desired behavior in my scenario:

/console AutoPushSpellToActionBar 0

Yeah its broke on all my exiles reach characters hope they fix this bug soon

Hi There, I had the same issue, where i would switch spec on my DK and the DR skills would disappear i.e my barrel roll would not be there etc, so just /reload ui in the chat and they should re populate! Hope this helps you guys, happy grinding :slight_smile:

Same thing has happened to me. My main is fine but my alt every time I login the dragonriding skills are gone, super annoying having to pull them down from spell book every time :frowning:

Thank you!