Dragonflight's Recycled Dungeons

Now that Dragonflight is coming to an end, I thought I’d leave some comments as feedback about the recycled dungeons and structure of the four seasons. I don’t know if these things are ever read, or heard, but since it’s going to continue in War Within, I thought I’d have my two cents.

Firstly, I should say that most of my time in game is spent running M+. I raid one night a week, but I probably run dungeons three or four other nights with friends, guildies, and even pugs. I don’t really have a huge amount of gametime available to me, and M+ hits nicely for what I do have. I’m not a world 1% or anything like that, but I sit around the 22 - 25 range for key lvls (adjusted for the current season). As a player, I’m nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but I have played for a long time.

I think the latter is one of the reasons I don’t like the recycled dungeons. If I was to sum up Dragonflight’s M+ experience, I’d say that I felt like I spent most of my time doing old content. I don’t really feel like I played Dragonflight, but rather I played previous expansions with an occasionally new dungeon in it. It’s nice to be able to play them all now, but it feels like it’s a little too late for me. Perhaps it’s not helped by the fact that I’m playing the same old affixes that have largely existed since Legion. Since there’s no seasonal affix, it feels like I’m just sorta stuck in this treadmill made largely of old content, waiting for a key to reroll to something new. Of course, at this point in the xpac, even the new dungeons aren’t new…

I think for new players, the recylced content is fine. If you didn’t play in Legion, then it’s all new to you. But if, like me, you did, it sort of feels like you’re being punished and offered nothing new. You’re being given less, rather than more, and this sense is only growing as we go into the Fated season and the upcoming Pandaria Remixed. I get that some people like doing things again, hence the people who love classic, but it’s just not for me. I even understand that, long term, say once the next three expansions are done, you’ll have four expansions of dungeons no one has played as much as say Legion or BfA now…

But for the meantime, I cannot escape the feeling that I am being short changed in M+, and that M+ in general hasn’t been shown the care it deserves.