Dragonflight winning over FF14

I got fox ears and a cute tail :heart_eyes: :relaxed:

Not so sure it’s closeted at this point lol.

what’s so good about that/

Considering XIV made mainstream news for an ingame cybering club, calling me a furry is weaker than you probably think it is, lmfao.

I didn’t call you a fury but nice job outing yourself?


See proof that you are going out of your ay to troll me. Just copy pasted what I said about FFXIV. So let me tell you… You can play WoW and start out as a paladin. Any class you play here you can start out as that class and you keep that class forever.

In FFXIV you cannot start out as a paladin. It is an optional class that you can unlock later if you chose to. It has ONE spec and one spec only, a very limited weapon choice and are not only locked by class needed to get them, but are also level locked as well. It is entirely 100% impossible to play FFXIV and start the game as a paladin.

It’s not optional, if you start as gladiator, you are a paladin by it’s very nature lol.

You should probably look up a bit of information before you start trying to argue something you clearly have a serious lack of knowledge on.

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Paladins are French knights in middle ages, they are about 1000 years after Gladiators.

edit: lol

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About what? Being thanked by the game developers for playing their game? About a MMORPG that makes you think? That makes you feel a ton of different emotions? That can create villains that people both hate and love and most of all can feel empathy for.

That my friend is talented storytelling and game development. Now, you might not have enjoyed it, but I am betting that this is because you actually did not become immersed in the story, you skimmed it (or maybe even skipped to the end).


now say the objective one.

I don’t play FF and even i know this is bull pucky

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There you are trolling other people. You keep switching guilds too. Been in about 4 over the last little bit of time and are guideless now.

Willing to bet it’s back to back guild kicks that keep happening to you.

Oh and btw… it IS an option. You dont can or cannot unlock it if you choose.

Hey so what’s your paladins name in FFXIV? You said you know more about them then I do.

You won’t get far not unlocking it.

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its not even out yet lmfao

Hey, gotta set ourselves up for a third-time disappoint leading to another WoW mass exodus.

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As overrated as FF14 is, no game will ever come close to their OST.

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wow has World pvp. FFXIV isn’t touching THAT with a ten foot pole.

and that’s just one example.

I greatly disliked their gameplay. Not versatile in options at all with them.

FFXIV has nothing on WoW. They are two entirely separate types off fantasy MMOs at that.

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That was a reply, not a troll lol. Also, I keep switching guilds? Are you high?

No, it’s not. If you don’t use the job, the job quests stop.

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Here we go again. Wow vs FF14 again. To me

Story = FF14
Contents = FF14 (free up to Lv60)
Cinematics = FF14
Music = FF14
Graphics = FF14
Classes = FF14 (1 toon is all you need)
UI = WoW (not including addons)
Combat = WoW
Raids = WoW (FF14 got minimal trash mobs though)
Dungeons = WoW
PvP = WoW