Dragonflight winning over FF14

Sorry but nope. WoW has a completely different artstyle to begin with and FFXIV has always had better visuals and music than WoW. WoW has its own things going for it as well. I love both artstyles personally. We need both games and other mmos to do well in different areas to keep the genere fresh and interesting…man I miss Wildstar…

Not a wise comment to make. FFXIV offers so much more than WoW besides raiding.


its only good for the story. which i must say, its better than most mmo stories barring swtor

but endwalker wasnt as good as shadowbringers

Eh some people do not care about story and just want to kill stuff and get gear. Both options are good. The FFXIV story is amazing though.

you dont insult FFXIV in here. The vulperas will get so triggered, they’ll pop a blood vessel.

Gee can not wait for the “How to train your Dragon” ripoff!


Well it has better dungeons, raids, player housing, profession systems, music(subjective), graphics, role playing, gear(visually appealing that is, I suppose that is subjective as well. I like both but WoW kinda wimped out on the skimpy stuff.) Eh actually I liked Endwalker more than Shadowbringers looking back now. It was just an epic conclusion and the expac is not over so I guess I should not judge until 6.3 is done.

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i played it for the final fantasy. not the MMO.

Final Fantasy 14 is beautiful. I would imagine it will survive, even past the honeymoon phase of WoW.

I wish we had playable Vulpera’s in FFXIV. I do not think we really have any fox races in FFXIV that I remember. There are some Fox related npcs and mobs, mounts, and minions.

edit: Heck we have one playable furry race. And only males atm.

Well it is a Final Fantasy game first and an mmo second.


final fantasy 7 remake introduced me to it

I have not tried the remake. I played the crud out of the original, plus FF, FF2 or 4 outside the U.S, FF3 or 6 outside the U.S. at the time. Then 5, 8, 9, 10 and 10x2. I have not played any others. Well FFXIV and I did play a little of FF 13.

im trying out ff10 on ps5 its good so far


As for the rest of what you said, well FFXIV has has tremendous music that outpaces WoW’s by a good bit and their customization is much more detailed, which is something WoW is just starting to dip it’s toe into. The rest is just a matter of what people like and prefer since both art styles are great.

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Isn’t it all just a matter of opinion?

Dragons aren’t real. And some of their dragons look cooler than some of WoWs dragons though. And some of their other dragons look wacky.

WoW has been rated as being the number one MMO in the world for best depiction of a fantasy paladin playable class though. And it also does rogue class best too. Only one other MMO come close to the rogue class and that is Another MMO that I sometimes play that is not FFXIV.

lol wut?

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This forum and Twitter have one thing in common. People mistake their opinions with facts.

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Im not going to tell you what other MMO I also play. I’m not like one of these other posters who have to post that they play another MMO and tell everyone what it is just go get attention. There are other MMOs out there that have rogue like classes and do them very well. And many MMOs do paladins but WoW does them the best. I have played so many of them. It is true. No one comes close. WoW does rogues best too.