Dragonflight winning over FF14

Music, and some (not all) of the various art - yes; as for the rest - Hmm, I’m not so sure on that.

  • FFXIV take a great deal of pride, joy and love into their game - And are happy to take risks, even the financial ones into pouring those aspects into their game to give back to their players.
  • Blizzard however, over the pass few years - seem to be mostly driven by greed. They go by the capital system of: ‘Least amount of costs given’ - VERSUS - ‘Maximum Profit Grabbed’ – Which is understandable for a business, however they tend to do it on a scale that even if it’ll hurt the brand, story or name of the game – they sadly don’t & won’t seem to care very much.

We’re all hoping they’ll surprise us and show they can shine a light against their avarice and hubris, but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

I tabbed out to go look at a YT vid. He probably also might be doing other things. Not watching this thread like a hungry fox ready to pounce.

And yea. As I have already said. I have seen you in a multitude of guilds recently. I assumed you get guild kicked because of your behavior. Willing to bet you will spam trade chat to find another one, we will all see you in it here and then you will be out of it again within a week.

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its the delusions for me lol

More than welcome to list these guilds.

Well stop having delusions then.


get told for the 10 time LOL

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Zero time.

you first.

But you said you were having them lol.

yet you still here

Why wouldn’t I be?

but you said you hate ff14 lol

And you said you loved it.

cause you hate the game

So do you.

its the projecting for me.

Well stop projecting.

no u


Why me?

cause u a hater