Missed another comma. What you should have typed was "Now this is ironic, lol.
Pure logic.
o, like the same logic that you wouldn’t be on a games forum that you hate?
seems like that’s out the window huh lol.
What you should have typed was, “Now this is ironic, lol.”
If you are going to correct someone, make sure not to look like a clown.
By your own logic, you hate it too lol.
you’ve looked like nothing BUT this entire time lol
its the projecting
for me
Why are you projecting?
in your case i would say “moronic”
but that’s just me lol
its the delusions
for me
But since you’re projecting…lol.
Why are you seeing delusions?
hater, senile, delusional and now unoriginal. You just keep adding on titles don’t cha lol
But you said it, not me lol.
o you asking yourself questions?
yes why are you delusional, the people wanna know.
You said you were seeing delusions, not me.
its the projections
for me lol
Now you are projecting.
indeed you are