Dragonflight which class gonna be TOP TIER for solo shuffle?

I can have an opinion about the game without being a Gladiator

Plus you’re probably not that good anyway

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I don’t have to take crap from anyone who plays a draenei warrior lmao

I’d say we should face off in skirms but I forgot they removed that

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I’ve literally been higher rated than you have on every toon lol but ok

War Games still work.


Rating has a lot to do with dedication and having good partners

Plus my SV is almost 1750 right now

And okay if War Games work lets do it once my Holy Pally is on tomorrow

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Alright man whatever helps you sleep at night lol

I don’t think competition is a bad thing, if you think you’re so much better then lets set it up. Otherwise your rating is just a number to me because just today I’ve beaten plenty of players with higher accolades than me

Gotta start somewhere

I mean bro, my whole point is that you say warrior and rouge are easy but you lack the skill to get over 50% w/l

I will war games you if you want hell I’ll do it on my ele or my hpal and have full confidence that I will win.


That point would be valid if I was playing either of those classes

Why is every 2s match Fury/Healer until a certain rating? It’s so easy to play lol
Plus I literally spammed a ton of games with a friend who’s still learning the game

Nah on your Warrior is fine I won’t lose to a draenei warrior

So you’re assuming because of a race I’m not skilled?

That’s pretty ballsy, even look at Kennie he plays Vulperian war do you think you could beat him too?

Kydrav carries me daily. Fridge heal too powerful

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I’m sure you’re a good player but I don’t think the gap between us is as large as you think it is. Sure the numbers don’t lie per se but it doesn’t make you more skilled automatically

I appreciate your spark but you got 1800 in a season where 2400 was = 1800 in a season where kydrav was over 2800. The skill gap is pretty large


I think that I could mop the floor with you on any toon if I wanted to… ngl…

I may have had a few drinks but your w/l speaks for itself man.

Like I said you have to start somewhere, I was playing Enhance in 2s with a healer

and I haven’t taken Arena seriously in a while, but I’ve been playing this game a long time and when I put my mind to PVP with a dedicated partner I know I can hit 2K or higher. Can agree to disagree on whether your partner is better than I am but I’d rather let my play do the talking

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Bold words from the bastion of twilight trash mob. :skull:


I totally agree but Kydrav is THE draeni warrior big dawg

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Hey you listen here

I don’t have a lot of transmogs for my Hunter

I think I look badass

Also how the hell did you find my armory lmao

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your mogs are :poop: