Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Get Your Goblin Weather Machine Now!

Yeah, not worth using just like the bronze drake.

This right here is the only thing that would get me to spend any time on Twitch.


Ye, rooster is cool. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:



Sorry you spent 3k on a mount, but hiding things behind a paywall you gotta go through outside of the game is stupid.

There is nothing cool about that sort of item.


Its the way it happens now …got to give the special masses special things that they haven’t worked for …sure I brought mine with gold but I had to make that gold though selling stuff and it took years to acquire large amounts of gold to do so…like the Long Boi…or even the Mighty Mammoth when it went live…I was 3rd person on my realm that could afford it , same with the engi Motorcycle I had to work my butt of as a engi to get the recipe then also make sure I had the gold to buy the parts…I did that all in a 3 week span to own both the Motorcycle and the Mammoth back in Live LK…that was a ton of gold back in those days.


Marketing to whom? This is all seems really geared towards those who are currently playing. Wouldn’t even know about it if not for the info on the WoW launcher. Maybe they should send out mailers like AoL/Netscape used to.


Nice assumption! But I got it as a drop, from High Priest Thekal himself.

Nothing cool about assuming people spent money on something rare.

I’m no whale.

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This is nice to see.

As an owner of every single TCG item in the game (from collecting the Cryptozoic cards over a decade ago), I approve of this.

I have to admit, I do enjoy it when people who obtain things just to be “special” in order to feel different or superior get completely let down.




I do when I’m not in the dragon isles… However I’m very rarely not in the dragon isles.

After losing multiple bidding wars on the black market auction house over the years, I look forward to this.


Did you buy one at all Kaestrasz …what is wrong with working to earn gold in game to buy the mount…I have brought 100’s of mounts though this game …all types…I am 5 mounts from 600…many are brought ones though rep that I had to work towards…couldn’t buy the mount till you had the exalted rep…guess this game is just attracting those players that want everything handed to them…

People who use Twitch.

Blizzard provides incentives for people to watch streamers playing WoW, which incentivizes streamers to stream playing WoW, which bumps WoW’s viewership numbers up on Twitch, which attracts interest and makes the game look more attractive to new/returning players.

It’s pretty cut and dry, honestly.


My issue is when something you can get by just pulling out a credit card. That isn’t very prestigious.

Just like that feldrake mount that sold for $3,000…

A m+ mount you can’t get anymore is a bigger accomplishment than a mount you just bought off some third party site.

All this TCG stuff should be available for people to get. That isn’t asking for things to get handed to you. I wouldn’t mind if you actually had to do something in-game to get it.


It has been on the BMAH forever.

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That’s still a pay wall I was referring to. And no regular person is going to beat the bots or whatever who camp rare stuff.

Like I know there are people who sell services like BMAH items or rare spawns that have mount drops.

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They said people, not bots :dracthyr_tea:


magic rooster pls!!


I’ve gotten every single TCCG toy and pet from the BMAH…

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