Dragonflight Tier Set Adjustments Incoming

On Wednesday, August 28, we’re going to deploy a hotfix that we want to precede with some advance notice.

Along with all of the new Hero Talents and updates to classes and specializations in The War Within, the power values of some Dragonflight tier set bonuses have remained relevant in level 80 end-game content. We don’t want anyone to feel obligated to go do the previous expansion’s content for upgrades. We do want players to graduate out of their Dragonflight gear with the new content.

On Wednesday, we will disable all Dragonflight tier set bonuses when your character reaches level 80. They will still aid you throughout leveling, but will cease to function when your character hits level 80.

Thank you!


Admittedly they should be null and void at 71 to push players out of their dragonflight gear to help with the scaling issues. But this will help a little bit in making TWW gear actually relevant at level 80.


I don’t think they really care how people are blowing up normals and levelling fast. Seems like it’s working as intended. Even in pre-patch gear normals are basically soloable.


yeah, they seemed to push fast alt leveling with warband xp bonus & dungeons giving a good chunk of xp

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Well, the issue is that it’s not totally consistent. There are some dungeons that are extremely easy, but other dungeons where the mobs can three shot you and tanks struggle to pull one at a time. I don’t think that’s totally intentional, and I think they’re starting to realize there’s some weird scaling happening overall.

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I mean kind of your own fault for how the gear ilevel has worked out like im 74 have not gotten a single upgrade yet… The prepatch event gave out better gear than most of the quests.


Which dungeons are those? I haven’t been smeared on the wall yet in heroics.

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God I couldn’t remember if I tried. I think a lot of it had to do with gearing. Some tanks were getting absolutely smeared if they had updated their gear while other tanks could pull a whole room without many issues.

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I think this is a fair compromise. Being able to use it til level cap is a boon imho.


Nice you all will let us keep the tier up to 80 that’s pretty cool ty! Makes sense at 80 it’d be disabled as this was pretty common for every expansion before I thought.

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I think in previous expansions the raid tier sets got shut off after you reached one level beyond the previous expansion’s max. I recall that happening in Legion but correct me if I’m wrong.

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I don’t remember, but in BfA I believe it was a few levels in it shut off. And in DF from Shadowlands, all our SL stuff was pre-emptively shut off I think.

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Can you also make the DF world event vendors sell the old gear so we can collect our tier set transmogs again before you took it away in the awakened mistake?


Legion was lvl x6

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Yeahh. I feel like 75 in this context would be the max that we can go before the raid tier set buffs are shut off. I find that’s usually when people would naturally start replacing their gear ilvl wise anyway. Not sure why they should continue to be feasible until 80 – makes the gear you /do/ get absolutely useless. Progression of strength should be linear in my opinion but maybe I’m just a traditionalist lmao.


Welp atleast I got one more day to enjoy enhancement’s insanely broken interaction with their tier set/hero talents


I think they just pushed this out faster than their used to cause they always disabled this stuff before and told us ahead of time.


Even if you have 480 gear from the pre-patch event and make it tier gear, you probably won’t start swapping it out until around 75-76 when you start getting drops with a higher ilvl.

And if you have 515+ ilvl gear then you will probably won’t be replacing anything until 78+

Haha, I just assumed they’d be unusable at max level like they’ve done for other tier sets in the past.

I didn’t realize how much 4pc was doing for me as holy. It sucks getting holy words back so slowly now

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