Dragonflight Tier Set Adjustments Incoming

That is one of the strengths of archon - the halo pulses and the free buffed SoL procs (in combination with the buffed Lightweaver) do a lot of work while we’re waiting for holy words to come off CD, so that throughput doesn’t fall off a cliff while holy words are down as it has in the past.

The tier set was probably too insane - remember they severely nerfed everything about holy to accommodate for that added power, to the point where it fell to dead last throughput in higher content and they had to do several waves of buffs to bring it back in line. So in a way the tier set was bad news for the overall balance of throughput in the spec.

Rest in RIP Fury Warrior’s free 50% boost to Odyn’s Fury and 3 guaranteed crit Bloodthirsts w/ 150% damage amp.

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I’m sure fury will be fine. Things die fast enough already.

I’d prefer if tier set deactivated at 71, but I’ll take 80 as a compromise.

I simmed it its over 100k dps loss so fun :melting_face:

a lvl 70-75 can quite literally solo the dungeon in 480 gear. 76-80 it gets sketchy as hell


Priory has really high damage and if ur healer hates u or is not good it’s going to be tough

Bad idea - if we want to use Kara gear from TBC cause its best - we should be able to

Perhaps you should’ve considered baking in the effects of some of those tiers sets if they’re THAT desirable into the class kits in some way…

Like I feel like half a class losing my dragonflight tier set now that I’m at 80 as holy.

I really think Blizzard needs to consider starting a new expansion closer to the iLvl cap of the previous season and then showering the starting zone with catch up gear.

The way it is currently feels so bad as geared players continually get weaker with nothing to upgrade the whole way through.

If we all take the hit right at the start and start off weak, then the leveling can actually reward gear that might feel good and like were progressing something other than necessary path to get to end game.

Could you just disable the awakened gear instead of a blanket disabling?

As a Fury Warrior who doesn’t use their tier set, (May or may not have deleted it, and not worth trying to item recover it back for a few days at this point) there is a massive difference in dmg done.

But we shouldn’t have had access to tier all the ay through in the first place with the way it has been previously. So, in the end, eh. No biggie.

They forgot to turn it off. That’s the reason some Tanks could pull all the mobs towards the Boss without dying while some of its DPS’ers also munching them altogether on Heroic Dungeons yesterday. They both abuse the Set piece bonus of their previous gear. I felt my TWW gear useless as my damage is only half of them. I dont have DF gear becoz I just came back. It’s true, I would farm for DF Raids for Set Piece gear to destroy TWW dungeons. They should have disabled DF gear on day 1 of Early Access of TWW like on other past expansions.

I’m 76 (on my main that’s leveling) and I’ve changed out my boots, cloak and belt, but they were only 502. Definitely gonna keep my 4p until they die at 80. Not sure when I’ll replace my Lego axe (only 515) since it still does a ton of damage. Getting squishier though… :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

To be fair, even without the set bonuses, I don’t think I would have been swapping off most of my lower pieces until around 78/79 anyway, so shutting it off at 80 seems legit

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Normally a tier bonus of an old xpac fails to work once you gained 5 or 6 levels into leveling for the current xpac. I don’t know why they left it as is this time around.

To be fair, this isn’t really a hearing issue so much as a skill issue. Even as a feral druid, one of the squishiest specs in the game and one that got their offhealing severely gimped, I found I could rip threat off of double digit mobs and effectively solo them with tight play.

Tanking and healing isn’t as face roll now, so it’s more likely players getting used to the new dynamics

My ilvl was 525 and I didn’t upgrade until level 77 or 78 .

Previous xpacs didn’t have early access.
If they turned it off before now, that’d negatively affect the people that didn’t play early access.

It should have been rolled out on the first Tuesday (today) of the official launch.

No it doesn’t. Tier sets have never just ‘turned off’. To date, that’s always been achieved by Blizz marking the sets as legacy, which disables them completely even when used at the appropriate level. And they didn’t even start doing that until I think the end of WoD.

Prior to the introduction of that legacy tag, replacement of tier sets was and technically still is always achieved by new gear simply being better than the old stuff.