Dragonflight Talents don't Look Good

Counter point: The new talents do look good.

I’m not going back to the mind numbingly boring 7 points we currently get. I like the freedom to tailor a spec exactly to my needs and playstyle. If clicking more than 7 times is too complicated for you then play candy crush or some other mobile game.

I thought the old system was fine, I never thought there was a problem with bloating etc. More options, more fun. I actually really like the DF talent trees. Some of the options are must haves, but in every tree released so far there are enough good/fun choices that make you think about where you want to go.

Before somebody says there will be a meta build, there will and has always been a meta build. The point is, there are more options to build with than there has been in a long time. I never did like the mop talent system, and it has been in the game for far too long.

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This is when I knew OP didn’t know what they were talking about.


Meh, I’ve always missed the old talent trees. I liked nubbing it up in BC, and I liked learning what I was supposed to actually be looking for as I became a more experienced player.

I don’t like the current watered down talent trees. I am looking forward to the expanded talent trees.

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As I already said, I have made more choices with the new system than I ever did with the old Trees.

The Tree system is amazing at presenting the ILLUSION of choice. The truth in the end, is that there are nearly limitless ways to be stupid and terrible (no matter how fun they are), but there is only ONE way to be “serious.”

I’m fine to end this discussion with “let’s wait and see how it goes” … but for the fact Blizzard has lost EVERY SINGLE DROP OF CONFIDENCE I ever had in them to do something right.

They really need to have an expansion without adding levels, there are other ways to improve player “power”. They can expand upon systems, add extra raids, expand the current raid tiers but they have caught themselves in a never ending treadmill. EverQuest which they were based upon over a decade ago had expansions that didn’t add levels but rather other systems like AA (talent points basically) you earned through exp, Epic item quests and many other things. Blizz needs to just take a step back every now and then and just not increase the levels every xpac, there are other things people want/can do in MMORPGs

Blame the players for this.

iirc, When they only added 5 levels instead of 10, the playerbase threw a fit.

There is a level of “perception” that Blizzard is fighting and the playerbase is often, sorry to say, too stupid to entrust. Hence vilifying the veracity of: You think you do, but you don’t.

There’s only ever one way to be “serious”. There is always a best build. There always will be, even if there were only 2 choices. At least you can build many different ways, and a lot of the choices aren’t actually silly 2/4/6% increases either. A lot of them are actually interesting abilities/passives.

Oh i remember that, I didn’t mind it tbh. It really is the players fault and I understand that completely, I am the minority here that doesn’t want levels every xpac lol i’d rather more world content, dungeons, pvp BGs, cosmetics etc… but i guess borrowed power and forced levelling that everyone agrees is terrible is what people want.

With the current Talent system, I change talents for Raiding, M+, and PvP. All three are different builds.

And in Raiding, if it’s SERIOUS progression, then there are specific builds for specific bosses. You can argue that becomes trivial at some point, but the bottom line is, there are tweaks that are meaningful with the current system.

I NEVER did that with the old Trees.

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The old talent trees were lame. They were an illusion of choice.

The current tiers we have every 10/15 levels is the exact same as the proposed new trees. Just with a different coat of paint and “talents” you are forced to pick to get to that ability.

That doesn’t make them dead talents. That makes people meta slaves. What the tree should be is something that makes it so they don’t need the layered systems to fill in gaps.

They don’t want the effort of Legion where they had to innovate and create new talents and abilities and visuals/animations for all specs.

So they just repackage crap they pruned from Legion/BfA and now Shadowlands, and sell it back to you as a new expansion feature.

Be prepared for another BFA/Shadowlands until they go back to investing into specialization centric gameplay design with emphasis on how classes play instead of bland universal expansion features.

The easiest confirmation is feral/guardian druid forms. How many visual upgrades per tier do druids who don’t have access to armor gain after Legion? There you go. Blizzard doesn’t want the work.


What will happen is people will seek resources from external sites on which talents to use. They will then use those talents. How about if they cut out the middle man and do the work needed to make the character play properly. only 0.01% of the population do the experimenting, the rest of the players just use what is recommended.

Even so , they carry forward unlike the systems from legion on that went away at the end of expansions

Until people complain about them and then Blizzard will change the system. Go back throughout the whole game and look at the number of times this has happened… Too complicated, not complicated enough. Over and over, it goes back and fourth. So this next xpac it will be too complicated, and then they will streamline everything and it won’t be complicated enough.

I must be missing something

Are people looking at the new talent tree preview and going “wow that looks complicated” XD

like forreal?

You don’t think the same will be true with the new talent trees? Only time will tell, but I’m willing to bet it still is.

It absolutely will. There are definitely some situational paths in the new trees. At least for DPriest and RDruid. I’d assume that would apply to all of them though.

Exactly, which is why I think it will be fun. Even with the trees that exist currently, there are talents I would take in different situations in the current expansion. I think it is unrealistic to think there will be 1 single build that is best for all content and all encounters in a raid. They’re pretty versatile honestly.