Dragonflight Season 4 End Date? Prepatch Start Date?

So there are only a few videos on “The War Within” prepatch event “Radiant Echoes” on youtube. There is no date announced as to when the prepatch event starts or the current season ends. The only official announcement from Blizzard is “The War Within” goes live “August 26th”. The radio silence on how long it takes for the player-base to recieve an official announcement of when the current season ends and the next patch cycle begins is an actual concern to the community as a whole. The game has hindered for countless years off of simple information or communication to the community. I’d argue the end of season announcement has more merit than the release date of the upcoming expansion seeing how player activity is usually dictated by time remaining and date announcement of the remaining season. My question is "Can we the players expect to see an official announcement of the end of the season anytime soon? and can we expect to recieve more clear communication on when the current season may end and the next one will begin seeing how this information has been a pressing issue for multiple expansions and patch cycles that directly affects the quality of the game as a whole… especially the PvP community seeing how the reward system is structured to the greater majority of the player base toward the end of a season and inflation to the “Matchmaking Rating” system is structured soley around time elapsed throughout a season.


You can argue it all you like…but it’s not true.

Season end is usually announced a week or two in advance. Pre-patches are usually a few weeks to a month before the expansion release date.

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If you are on beta you got a pop-up with dates - one of which was the radiant echoes event begins July 30 - I think that pop up may have been an oops. It is also possible that the actual pre-patch may be July 23 - allowing a week to sort out new talent trees and the warband conversion before the event that allows gearing up for TWW begins a week later. I expect a formal announcement next week if those dates are correct.

Seeing how an Expansion drops roughly once every 2 years or so and multiple seasons will happen within that time-frame. I’d say it is true statistically speaking. End of season announcement will happen 4 times per every Expansion release date roughly… with Legion having 7 total seasons. So I’m guessing you’re new to the game and don’t know any of this. The rewards and the core reason why people even participate in end-game content or personal endeavors in the first place is directly tied to and affected by the end of the current standing season and not the launch of a following expansion. Statistically speaking… you are 110% wrong.

You say I must be new because I don’t have your profound insight, but…if you’ve played the game for any amount of time, you’d know that they almost always wait until a couple weeks before the date to announce it.

Just be patient. You’ll know soon enough…

If I’d guess, the MoP Remix timer is probably of some indication.

When that ends, TWW will be around the corner.

Pre patch is happening middle of July if not a month before TWW launches so around the tail end of July. Hope this helps but idk if that’s the end date of season 4… heard nothing about that part as season four to my knowledge was to continue till TWW

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I am completely, utterly and wholeheartedly with OP on this. I’m also a PvPer, right now trying to “farm MMR” to make my final 50 pt rating push as secure as it can possibly be :sweat_smile: so I hope we have as much time as we can get fingers crossed it is extremely odd though we haven’t had a pre-patch announcement yet. VERY very strange.

Good to know we have someone who knows the feelings and opinions of everyone playing the game. (puts another coin in the sarcasm jar)

Factually Blizzard has been putting out the roadmap for Dragonflight and continues to do it, giving us a good idea of what is coming. They will tell us the date when they feel the time is right.

Real Soon Now (c).

This is the final season of Dragonflight. And from my 15 years of play I have observed that what you get in the last few weeks of the current expansion is very quickly invalidated by those greens or blues you pick up in the first few weeks of the next expansion. Statistically speaking.

Is the Cliff’s Notes version of this, ‘what’s the date?’

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NA/ EU TWW pre-patch event July 30th, things get turned on etc.
“We see dead people” # breathes a mist like smoke.
China gets thiers on 1 August after we work out bugs.

Part of Pre-patch to the Pre-patch non activated content, bug fixes, expected July 23. Dont expect anything. Honestly beta is a bug fest a lot to fix in the next 2 months.

Full content
Remix: Mists of Pandaria event is scheduled
to end on August 19, 2024 everyone wants
sooner to character prep but Blizz hasn’t
spoken on possibly letting us free sooner.
TWW head start August 22nd 3PM PT. 3 days
early, 3 day MoP remix prep prior.
TWW launches on August 26 at 3PM PT.

Season will end on July 30th. They will not have some kind of “break” period before the pre patch events. With the rate things are going we have been spoiled with constant content releases. They are definitely going to line up end of season with beginning of pre patch. 100%. Anyone who is arguing that there will be a week grace period has not been paying attention to their release patterns during DF

You mean like how DF’s prepatch released 3 weeks before they enabled Evokers and the prepatch event?

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PTR now is labled release candidate . pre patch should be 23rd

On pre patch, do we get warbands and talent changes coming to tww?

yes - obviously not the hero talents though because you earn them going from 70-80

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We got an answer today. Pre-patch goes live July 23rd. With the event starting on the 30th.

Pre-Patch Annoucement

The OP asked when Season 4 would end…if it follows the precedent of the other seasons the season will end on Monday July 22nd at 10 pm PT.